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The police station was a drab grey building made of concrete. Large thick panes of darkened glass covered all the windows. The main entrance featured a small water fountain and a flag flying at full mast. It was boring, cliché, and fully human. Michael hated to go in. He hated the waiting game and all of the puffed up egos. His patience was going to wear out fast.

Mare walked ahead of him through the revolving glass doors and approached the front desk. A receptionist greeted her.

"I have a meeting with Detective Miller. Second floor?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes." The receptionist buzzed us in. "Don't keep him waiting. He's in a mood today."

In a mood? Michael glanced at Mare and she shrugged her shoulders. Who knew what that meant?

The second floor was covered in desks, officers, detectives, and smelled like stale coffee. Worse Michael could smell the overlap of dozens of cheap colognes and sweat, and the distinctive odor of too much testosterone. Yuck.

Mare pointed discreetly to a group of men toward the back. "Detective Miller's office is that way."

Michael slid his very long fingers in with hers. "I'm going with you. Like this."

She nodded. "Alright. Let's go." Nervous energy surrounded her.

Detective Miller watched their approach with interest. Or rather, her approach. He was fairly fit for a man in his early forties. No gut. Blonde hair, brown eyes, plain features.

"Mare? What do I owe the pleasure of your company?" He asked, looking pointedly at Michael and their joined hands.

"I have some urgent questions about my mother's case and I wanted to follow up. Do you have a few minutes to spare?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Sure hon." He smiled, openly surveying her with his eyes. "Anything for you. Step into my office."

Mare led the way and sat down in one of the chairs facing his desk. The detective cleared his throat.

"Who's this?" He nodded toward Michael.

Mare beamed a winning smile at him. "This is Michael, my-"

"Her boyfriend." Michael announced, grabbing her hand again.

Mare raised an eyebrow but remained silent. The detective looked surprised.

"Since when?" He demanded, looking put out.

"It's a recent development," Michael answered. "Whirlwind romance."

Michael had not missed the fact that he only addressed Mare. What was his interest in her?

The detective sat back in his chair, his eyes still resting on her like she was the only one in the room. "What can I help you with Mare?"

Michael did not miss the fact that he kept addressing her by her first name. It was not professional. It implied a personal relationship and understanding. None of which existed as far as he knew.

She leaned forward, her blouse dipping down provocatively. Predictable. The detective's eyes followed her movement. Michael almost growled. Ridiculous human male. He wanted to yank Mare back but that would have been too apparent.

"I have a few questions about my mother's case. It seems to me...I guess I am a little fuzzy on some of the details."

"Which details?" He asked, his vision dipping down again.

Michael narrowed his eyes. Could the man be any more obvious?

"I'd like to know something first. Are you aware that several attempts have been made on my life?"

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