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The council resided in the upper district of the city, where wealth and status added to the prominence of the vampyre consigliore. Under the grand cathedral, St. Martin, the vampyre elite gathered each night. It was a chance to socialize, make connections, discuss business, and even to feed. Little was forbidden. It was a den of lust and sensuality as well as commerce and trade. The council was open then, awaiting at leisure, any vampire who sought petition. Tonight would be no exception.

Michael pulled Mare to his side before entering the cathedral. Its high arched domes and intricate design were awe inspiring even in the dead of night. Beautiful mosaics and stained glass windows added to the architecture and were lit up in bright white lights, scattered about the vast exterior.

"There will be some humans here but...not with the same situation as you and I. Be on your guard. Let no one bother you."

She nodded but her eyes were wide and slightly fearful. He led her through the halls and passed the ostentatious interior of the building. They exited a back room with a hidden set of gilded double doors, and stepped into another world. The long rows of golden candelabra lit the interior of the passageway, leading down a sloping path into the lower belly of the cathedral.

It was a series of catacombs, breaking off in several directions, woven through intricate halls where incense burned by candlelight. Musty and dark, it would have been frightening for any human alone. Vampyre hunted here. Any unfortunate enough to wander and get lost, may find their curiosity their doom. Down they walked until they entered a large room with a domed ceiling and six arched doorways.

The room was a site unparalleled. Gold filigree was laid over the top of intricately carved marble pillars and crown molding. It covered the entire space. Red velvet, purple brocade, and gold threads wove through tapestries that lined the walls. Statues of famous vampyre posted sentry throughout the room. Each member of the council had their own carved bust which sat on top of marble pillars also made of gold. It was gaudy and beautiful at the same time.

A large fountain carved in intricate gold layers was the focal point in the center of the room, the rushing and spurting fluid consisting of human blood. It shot up into the air and fell with cascading waves of crimson red. Splashing. Calling. Beseeching those who entered, beckoning for just a little taste. Benches circled the fountain, made of marble and inlaid with gold, with royal purple velvet lining the seats. The benches formed a broken circle of six.

The room was fully occupied, as many standing and socializing as those lounging around the fountain and upon the benches. Some vampires were only talking, a few arguing, but that was a very small percentage.

Vampyre all around the room were either engaged in sexual acts or feeding at the neck, wrist, or thigh of a human male or female. The aura of the room was saturated. Sex and metallic blood wafted heavily in the air. It beckoned and enticed him, surging in his veins, pulling him toward the heated bodies. His eyes changed instantly, all of his senses hyper aware.

Michael held on to Mare's hand with a death grip. She was receiving more attention than he wanted. Several men approached his direction, sniffing the air, and becoming enraptured with her scent. Several growls were heard in the background, second only to the moans of rapture. Damn, he thought. He should have made her wear something else. Every vampire in the room would have her scent by now, and recognize his entangled with it. Eyebrows shot up around the room. A few gasps from women he knew...and previously bedded, added their surprise. He had better keep Mare close.

A hand shot out and stopped him mid stride. Michael glared at the owner. A gaudy bi-sexual who had a reputation for his lively parties and prolonged sexual encounters. His painted nails and powdered skin brushed against Michael's arm.

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