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(The girl's POV)

I awakened with a jolt and sat upright, searching the room. Someone was there. I felt their eyes watching me. Staring. Hiding in the darkness.

"Who's there?" I whispered.

Fear made me tremble. I watched warily as the stranger stepped a little closer, clothed in shadow.

"I will not harm you." The man answered, his voice warm and deep and rich, covering me like thick syrup.

"I'll be the judge of that," I responded suspiciously, trying to make out his features.

My response seemed to amuse him. A low rumbling chuckle filled the room.

"I'm sure you will," he agreed.

"Must you hide in the shadows?" I asked him, irritated.

He walked closer, into the dim light that radiated from my bathroom. It was the only light on.

"Not if you prefer I left them."

Surprise must have shown on my face because he smiled, a mixture of deadly confidence and handsome arrogance. I stared, unable to remove my eyes from his body. He was the most magnificent man I had even seen. Tall and lean but muscular with a lithe ability to move swiftly and soundlessly. His almond shaped eyes were the color of light brown chocolate, rich and hypnotizing. Black curls draped across his forehead on his squared face.

The silence grew between us.

His amusement continued. "Do you plan on wearing a towel all night?"

I blushed, remembering the terrible way I looked. Without a word I jumped up and ran into the bathroom, closing the door as my heart hammered in my chest. Would he leave? Would he stay? Did I want him to leave? Confusion made my thoughts chaotic and inconsistent. Taking a deep calming breath I slowed the rapid beating of my pulse. I changed into a pajama set and brushed my hair along with my teeth.

When I emerged from the bathroom the room was empty. Disappointment made me sigh. I knew he would not be here. It was probably best he was not. I was in a lot of trouble. The kind that shortened my life span.

The kitchen was bright when I walked in, smelling like vanilla from my plug in air freshener. I turned on the coffee pot to boil water and opened the cabinet to grab a mug.

"Who were those men?" A voice asked and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Holy cow.

Turning abruptly I saw him lounging on my sofa, his arms folded across his chest. Dressed all in black he looked like a burglar. Or a vigilante. Wow, he was good looking.

So quick I missed it entirely, he walked into the kitchen and stood in front of me. His hands resting on either side of my waist as he leaned down.

"What kind of trouble are you in?"

I gasped. A million questions scrambled through my head. How did he know I was in trouble? Why did he seem angry? What was he going to do? Would he help me? How did he get over to me so quickly? What happened to the men who attacked me? Were they dead?

I raised a trembling hand to my forehead. My heart was racing and spots dotted my vision. I was going to pass out. Great.

He pulled me against his chest, catching me as my knees buckled. Dazed and bewildered, I lay my head against his shoulder.

"Breathe," he ordered and I complied.


I managed to keep my wits about me, which was a good thing, because I would have been mortified if I passed out on him again.

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