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"Michael!" I screamed, terrified he was going to die.

I yelled his name again. "Michael!"

Nothing. No response. He was gone. Passed out.

Sighing, I pushed the rest of his body onto the bed. He needed the rest. The body in front of me was mangled and bloody. If he had been human, Andre never would have survived. I had the comfort of knowing he would heal.

Rest. Just rest. I could give him that.

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. At this point I was not sure who was worse off. I had scratches and gashes across my body, painful fang marks on my neck, bruising and red marks around my throat, and bleeding welts on my wrists and ankles. Geesh. There was so much blood my clothes were saturated.

I washed my hands in the sink and dried them on the only dark colored towel I could find. It was going to take a lot of bleach to clean up his linens after today.

I pulled the cell phone from my pocket and dialed Michael. He finally picked up on the sixth ring.

"Hello," my brother answered, his voice groggy.

"Hey," I replied.

"Mare," he paused, sounding slightly more awake. "You do realize it is almost four in the morning?"

Duh. I almost replied with a sarcastic comment but there was not time for that now. "Yes Andrew. It's an emergency. I need you to come to Michael's penthouse ASAP."

"Ok." He was waking up. "Are you all right?"

"Yes but I need your help. Bring a first aid kit."

"Mare, is there something I should know?" He sounded worried.

"I'll get to that later." Nosy man. I smiled. "And Andrew?" I paused.

"Yeah?" He asked, sounding more than a little put out.


"Shit." He sighed. "I'll be there as quick as I can."

I ended the call and placed my cell phone on the bathroom counter. If Andrew saw me like this he would flip. Over the next fifteen minutes I took the fastest shower of my life and changed into clean clothes. I opted for yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt. It hid most of the damage on my body. Now for my neck. He could not see the two puncture wounds or the red marks. I put on an infinity scarf and pulled my hair into a ponytail. Done.

Ding. Dong.

The doorbell. Andrew was standing with a first aid kit and a thunderous expression on his face. "What the hell is all that blood...?" His voice trailed off. "Did you kill Michael?"

I rolled my eyes. Seriously? "Andrew, did mom drop you on your head as a baby? Often?"

He grinned. "It's possible."

I grabbed the first aid kit and shoved a mop into his hand. "I really need all of that blood taken care of." At his frown, I begged. "Pretty please."

He took the mop and started swiping at the floor, muttering under his breath. "Four in the morning and mopping a stupid floor..."

I closed the door and walked into the bedroom. Michael was still out. He never moved at all. I lowered my head to his chest and saw the gentle rise and fall. Through the connection I could feel his faint heartbeat. He was alive.

I needed to remove all of his clothing and address the wounds. The boots and socks were easy. No struggle. I removed his designer jeans next. That proved a little more challenging but not terrible. I left the boxers on for now. Michael had a sweater and an expensive shirt on underneath. I had to carefully remove it, one arm at a time. Then roll his body and raise his head just to get the sweater off. It was destroyed. I threw it straight into the trash can.

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