Chapter thirteen: After every rain.

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~A day later

Poppy's POV:

I'm sure enjoying my stay in Bandle City. I noticed it was raining outside, so I decided to take an umbrella and a rain coat to go out for a nice stroll.
I like sunshine just as much as anyone else, but I loved it when it rained.
Ever since, I was a little Yordle, I loved to go outside when it was a rainy day. I don't know what it is. The rain drops made me feel happy and relaxed.
As I was crossing a small wooden bridge over a lake, I saw a familiar face looking down in a hoodie.

I stuttered out and tried to look closer if it really was him.
He turned to face me with no expression on his face. I  walked closer and put up my umbrella on both of us as soon as  I recognized him.
"So it is you! What are you doing out here without an umbrella? You're going to catch a cold.
I haven't seen you since the Halloween party. Are you okay? I was worried for you."
I  said all at once which was probably not my best idea. He looked down again.
I didn't get a response just a brief moment of silence and a deep sigh until he said.
"I-I just needed s-some time to myself Poppy."
He muttered quietly.
"D-did something happened? Y-you seem very sad."
I said worryingly.
"That's because I am."
He said in a quiet tone.
I looked at him with worry in my eyes and thought carefully of what to say. I didn't know Rumble all that well but I do consider him a friend and I'm always there for my friends in their time of need.
"You can always talk to me if you need someone to talk to, as your friend I'll do my best."
I said cheerfully in hopes of lightning up the mood.
"Poppy... It's... I don't want to talk about it."
He said
"You can tell me anything. I'll keep it between us, I promise!"
I assured. I was determined to help a dear friend of mine in need.
"You don't give up, do you?"
He said.
"If you're waiting for me to give up, you're going to be here for awhile"
I answered.
He sighed deeply and seemed to prepare himself mentally to tell me what was on his mind.

"I.. got in a pretty bad fight with..Tris-"
I finished his sentence. He nodded to confirm it was Tristana. Gee, that sounds bad.
"About what?"
I said worryingly. He didn't seem sure rather or not he would tell me but he did.
"I told her after a really long time that I've...I've been holding onto feelings for her and well I-I got rejected."
I wasn't really surprised to hear this, it makes sense once you put two and two together.
I'm not sure what that metaphor means. I'm just getting off topic.
"I'm really sorry to hear Rumble."
I said putting my hand on his shoulder trying to cheer him up.
"You being sorry, Poppy won't change anything. I don't want your sympathy or your pity.
Why are you even here? Just leave me alone. I'm best off alone anyways."
He said with frustration on his voice as I couldn't but notice him tear up a little.
Poor guy, he must be really hurt so I guess that's what heart break does to you.
"Rumble, I know this is hard for you-
"No you don't Poppy"
He said blankly
"You're right,I don't but I do know that you're hurting just from looking at you. I want to try and understand what you're going through so I can help."
I said
"Why would you wanna help me?"
He said in confusion as he looked at me
"I already told you, it's because you're my friend."
I told him with a smile on my face.  He still seemed confused by the looks of it.
"Tell me what happened Rumble, I got all day and I'm all ears"
I said as I twitched my ears. He chuckled a bit in response and he started to tell me everything.
"Me and Tristana go way back when we were little kids and I was in love with her ever since.
She used to play with me and be my only friend at the time. I was bullied by kids and she'd save me from my misery like some kind of-"
I interrupted as he looked at me eyes widen then smiled softly.

"Yeah like a hero. But lately, I was hurt by her actions of not only rejecting me but the fact that she'd seem to ignore me to be with Teemo. She's even dating him, now. I felt like-"
"You were on your own?"
I interrupted him again.
"Yeah exactly. It was a pretty bad argument I got so angry at her and said such awful things. She ended up slapping me in the face and well she left off."
He continued, I was so shocked to hear this.
"How'd that make you feel Rumble?"
I asked. He paused for a second as he seemed to be looking for words. He held onto his heart and spoke up.
"So many emotions that I don't want to experience again."
"Tell me, Do you really love Tristana?"
I asked him.
"More than anything."
He said as he looked deeply into my eyes.
"And all you want for her is to be happy, right?
"Of course!"
He exclaimed.
"Then, you have to accept the fact she doesn't feel that way about you. You didn't get rejected because you weren't worthy, but because her heart belongs to someone else. And I know Tristana feels awful about hurting you,I'm sure she does but she didn't mean to.
I'm sure she's happy with Teemo and Teemo is happy with Tristana.
No matter how much it may hurt you,
Tristana does love you as a close friend like I do, because you're a great guy Rumble.
You two have been through so much together, I'm sure you can get through this because your relationship is strong. It may appear to be the end now, but it may be a new beginning for the both of you"
I said as Rumble stared at me. We were both silent for a moment.

A Yordle love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon