Chapter two: The trip and arrival to Bandle City

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Veigar's POV:

The train finally started moving!
I can't believe I agreed to take this train with these annoying Yordles,
that Lulu calls her "friends".  How ridiculous!
I sat next to Lulu quietly hoping we would arrive soon.
She was talking with the white haired one. I couldn't care less what her name was, or what they were talking about until she mentioned my name.

"So, where are you going with Veigar, Lulu?"
She asked. It's none of her business! Who does she think, she is?
Lulu explained to them where we were going, I wanted to tell her to keep quiet about it but I didn't want to speak at all.
"...I'm so excited!"
She squeaked which made me feel a bit more annoyed overall. 
"Just to make things clear, I'm not going to this Glade for so called fun. Besides, it's none of your business where we are heading to"
I interrupted with frustration showing in my tone. I just wanted to leave this train it feels like an eternity already! I could hear one of them laughed at what I've just said.
I fixed my eyes angrily at him.
"What is the laughing matter?"
I demanded an answer out of him as I got up from my seat and yelled at... What was his name?
Ah yes! Rumble!!
"Don't lie, Veigar. We all know you're going 'cause you're so in love with Lulu. You're not as evil as you claim to be"
He stated as the three of them laughed, making a fool out of me!
"How dare you make a mockery of me, Veigar the master of evil!
I will decimate you until there is nothing left but little pieces and after I'm done with you!!
Your friends are next!"
I screamed at them with anger burning through my dark heart as I pointed my staff at Rumble. He looked at me in fear as the dark purple light was glowing from my magical staff.
It made me feel all so much more powerful seeing the fear in his eyes.
"You're not going to hurt anyone on this train, Veigar! Not while I'm here."
Teemo said trying to sound like such a hero. How pathetic!
"Guess, I'll just have to get rid of you, first!"
I said pointing my staff at him instead as he shown so signs of fear. How I despise  him!

I was about to cast a spell on him but I felt a tight squeeze on my arm.
It was Lulu grabbing my arm and pulling me away from him as best as she could.
"Veigar! Please, stop! You promised me!"
She begged sounding very desperate but I didn't care I still felt furious!
I decided to ignore her until she pulled me in to look into her green eyes saying in a much calmer voice.
We paused for a minute looking into each others eyes as I put my staff down and sighed deeply.
I returned to my seat and so did everyone else.

Suddenly, I didn't feel enraged anymore. Something about Lulu made me feel calm.
I don't know what it is, Yes Lulu can be an annoyance and difficult to deal with at times but she gave me something I was longing for a long time. Company. For the longest time, I remember being alone with my thoughts that would attack me of past memories of isolation in the prison of Noxus. I wouldn't let anyone get the better of me anymore ever since.

It was quiet for several minutes as my thoughts were interrupted by someone who finally spoke up.
"I'm sorry Lulu, Veigar. I didn't mean to upset anyone or cause a scene." He said apologetically.
How pathetic!
"I forgive you, Rumble."
Lulu responded with a smile on her face but I could tell she was upset about what just happened. She looked at me afterwards and added
"Anything you'd like to say Veigar?"
I paused and thought about how I almost broke my promise and how Lulu must of felt.
Sadness? Disappointment? Anger?
Am I caring about someone else's feelings but my own?
"I ask for your forgiveness Lulu"
I said quietly hoping only she heard me.
Before she could say anything it was their destination: Bandle City.

"We'll be getting off then! Have fun Lulu!.... Veigar."
said Lulu's female friend.
Lulu said happily as I watched her silently  hugging each of them like before and wishing them farewell.
More like good riddance!
Lulu.. You're so unusual to me. I don't understand how one can smile as much as she does.

Rumble's POV:

I was shocked about how much Veigar has gotten softer.
I was also worried I wouldn't get out of that train in one piece. That was a close call!
Veigar is someone I really shouldn't mess with.
That guy can just take your life away without breaking a sweat using his powerful magic.
Everyone in the league knows this from facing him at the institute of war.

We all descended the train as he waved goodbye at Lulu from the window with the biggest smile she could wear on her face. until the train took off.
Lulu sure is cute but there is no one even remotely close to cute as Tristana is.
I wish I could tell her how I truly feel about her. The way she talks, laugh, smiles... everything about her gives me purpose.
Soon enough without realizing it I was staring at her and she noticed. Damn!
Way to make it obvious Rumble! You idiot! I quickly looked away.

"I'm sure happy for Lulu, getting to spend time with that evil little guy! She seems happy."
said beautiful Tristy.
"I wonder how they get along."
I joked. She laughed a little bit and shrugged her shoulders.
"I have a bad feeling about Veigar. He's probably planning to destroy Bandle City and putting it in grave danger once more."
Teemo said in a serious tone
I was surprised to hear him speak he was pretty quiet the entire trip here.
Teemo is kind of like me a loner. I get it, being alone makes you feel safe.
Sometimes you want to be alone with your own thoughts.
"Y'know what I like about you Teemo? How much you care about Bandle City and it's citizens. Don't worry so much we're on vacation! Besides if Veigar tries anything I'm sure you'll be able to shut him down like you did once before."
"Wow.. Trist. I guess you're right. I shouldn't worry and enjoy myself."
Teemo responded kind of surprised at what she said but I couldn't say it better myself.
Tristana always knows exactly what to say.
"Exactly! So what are we waiting for? Let's get going!"
Tristana said overjoyed about going home.
Tristana truly is wonderful.

So we made our way to the city gates as we approached the gates, the guard greeted us.
"Welcome Teemo, Tristana and Rumble"
he said following a bow making us feel like we were a royal family or something.
"The yordles of Bandle city have impatiently waited for your arrivals. Please do proceed."
He added as the gates slowly opened up in front of us.
We smiled at him and turned to see our home which brought me back memories mostly bad ones from my childhood which is why I'm not exactly thrilled to be here but it's okay being bullied as a child as i believed it only made me stronger.

"You're such a freak Rumble! Playing with trash maybe because you are worthless trash!"

"You'll never be anyone worthy of anything and no one will ever like you!"

"Just give up, you pathetic idiot"

The voices from those kids still stayed in my mind after all these years.

"Hey, where is every yordle?"
Teemo questioned interrupting my troubled mind.
I looked around and realized that he's right the city seemed deserted.
But we couldn't help but notice all the party decorations as we entered and even a huge banner that says
'Welcome home Legends!'
Until we were all startled by a a SURPRISE! shout from everyone who reveled themselves.
"It's a surprise party! Alright!"
Tristana exclaimed happily

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