Chapter eleven: Just a spark.

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Teemo's POV:

The night was young, as we danced together to our hearts content to the pop vibe as the song changed to a slow and romantic song.
Tristana looked at me with heart eyes as we looked at each other her cheeks were a rosy pink.
I slowly put out my hand.
"May, I have this dance?"
I asked softly as I kept my eyes on her, she took a hold of my hand as I pulled her closer to me to dance.
She movedeven closer to me without any exchange of words as I intertwined her hand into mine, as she wrapped her arm on my neck as we swayed together slowly to the rhythm of the beautiful music.
The love song sets emotions on fire, emotions so deep from our past that have taught us to appreciate the present and to savor each touch and sensation of a long slow dance.
We didn't hurry the dance but simply enjoyed the moment.
We looked into each others eyes longing and looking for something.
The song came to an end, we slowly pulled away from each other as I took a hold of both her hands.
"Let's go somewhere, quiet."
I told her.

She turned red as she looked at me with burning passion in her eyes. The beautiful girl nodded her head. As we walked hand in hand to a quiet place away from the crowd.

We stopped where in a field not too far, as the wind passed through us as her hair followed the direction of the wind as the moonlight brighten the dark night.
We face each other, keeping our eyes locked into a deep long stare.
I said her name softly as I took a hold of her small hands again.
"Tristana, I'm very grateful that you have saved my life, because now I get to finish what I've started."
I told her, I was about to do it. I took a deep breath and spoke from the heart.
"But, I'm even more grateful to have met you."
I paused briefly and continued.

"As soon as we meet I knew you were the one
The one I would spend my days thinking of
And the one I would spend my nights dreaming about
The one who would be there for me through my toughest times in life
The one who would always stay by my side
And the one who would laugh with me
The one who I would share the happiest moments of my life with
And the one I would love with all of my heart.
I knew all that as soon as we met.
I'm in love with you, Tristana. I love you so much."

I confessed to her, her eyes started to water as a tear rolled down her face as she smiled at the ground.
I wiped her tear from her red cheek and lifted her head so she would look into my eyes again.
"You're so beautiful"
I whispered to her. She leans in so her forehead rested against mine.
My heart pounded in my chest loudly, as I was heated from the touch.
We closed our eyes as she says barely more than a whisper.
"Thank you"

Tristana leans in and kisses my lips. As she touched her lips with my own,
I felt all of our passions and the spark of love that existed between us.
As she kissed me it ignited a feeling of just a spark that soon was an explosion of fireworks
I gently kissed her back, with time the kiss deepened making it more passionate and meaningful. A smile grew on my face through the kiss. It was everything I expected and more fireworks, tingles and desires. As we slowly parted away from our first kiss.
We looked deeply into each others eyes once more.
"I love you so much too, Teemo."
She confessed to me and that moment I felt an extreme feeling of happiness that
I can't even describe.

We embraced each other as tonight was an unforgettable night of two hearts becoming one.

Poppy's POV:

I looked everywhere for Rumble and I just can't find him!
I'm worried for him.
I don't get it, why did he run off like that? It was strange,we were having so much fun too!
At least I think we were. He left as soon as he saw Teemo and Tristana dance together.
And, I don't know anything about love but that seemed quite intimate.
I mean, they are pretty adorable together.
Did that bother Rumble? Why would it?
I decided to look for Tristana and Teemo, I went back where I last saw them.
They weren't there anymore.

I kept walking around the party looking at every corner to see if I could spot my friends.
I finally found Teemo and Tristana as I was about to wave and call out their names, but I stopped because I witnessed them share a kiss.
It felt wrong watching from a distance so I looked away.
I didn't know, they were dating. I guess the rumors about them being in a relationship, was true.
I would've hope Tristana would've told me as her friend.
I should probably go home. I felt odd anyways, my stomach feels queasy.
I probably ate something funny.

I got home and couldn't help but think about Rumble. We didn't even say goodbye.
I hope everything's alright, he was such a kind and loving Yordle. I'm glad I met him and made friends with him.
It was a great night I thought as I prepared my bed and slept in it in my comfy pajamas.

Tristana's POV:

I couldn't believe everything that has happened.
Teemo loves me, back. I feel silly that I've kept it in hidden for so long if only I knew he liked me as much as I did. I would've taken action.
But I don't regret anything because if I did it wouldn't lead up to this amazing moment.

I rested my head on Teemo's shoulders as his arm was wrapped around me I looked at him as he looked at me with a smile as we watched the fireworks.

"Did you feel fireworks, when we kissed?"
I asked shyly
"Yeah, at first I felt a single spark and soon a colorful explosion of fireworks.
That's just what you are Tristana; an explosion. You sit still with excitement overcoming you
until you explode, and once you do you let the world see how beautiful you are."
He told me, I blushed and hid my face briefly.
"Aww Teemo, you're such a flirt."
I mumbled quietly, he laughed a bit in response.
"I meant everything that I've told you Tristana and I'd like for us.."
He paused as he pulled out a sunflower from the grass as he handed it to me.
I blushed even more as I held the sunflower into my hand.
"I'd like for us to be together."
He said. My eyes widened as I stared into his eyes again.
He said nervously. I smiled in response and gave him a small kiss to the cheek.
"I'd like that too."

So, just like that we were officially dating.
Teemo and I kept watching the fireworks in the sky, until Halloween night came to an end.
Love is like this sunflower, it can't live without sunshine and I can't live without love.

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