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-No, I've always sucked with girls.

The two days in London have passed so fast, Jace was a little bit tired after the second meeting with The 100's fans. But now, in that restaurant with her friend Richard, she was totally relaxed.

-How is that possible? You're always so chill.

He laughed and sighed at the same time.

-Well... You're right I'm pretty chill in my everyday life. But that thing you call feelings, they are so wild, I don't know how to tame them. I'm bad at showing what I feel.

Jace suddenly stopped smiling because he did too. The girl frowned and left her glass of champagne on the table.

-I don't understand. Richard, you've always been there for me. I mean, every time I was in trouble or felt bad for random reasons, you were there. How can you say that? Even Lindsey wasn't as good as you to comfort me.


-I just think you don't realize how a good person you are, she said quietly while looking him in the eyes.

He licked his lips for a moment, a little bit lost. He was so touched by Jace's words, he didn't know what to answer.

-Wow, thank you Jacy.

-That's okay Rich. Maybe you're just thinking too much about your feelings. Let it go, your reactions with people just have to be natural. Live the moment, don't think about anything else. Champagne?

Richard was lost in Jace's eyes while she was talking. When she asked him if he wanted another glass of champagne, he chuckled and agreed. It could just give him a little bit more confidence.

-But wait, ladies first.

The boy took the bottle on the table and served his friend first. When both of the glasses were full, they cheered and smiled at each other.

The waiter came after ten minutes. He gave them the menu and immediately, Jace choked on her drink.

-What are all those things? Is that food?

-Yes Jace, food is usually what they serve in a restaurant.

She gave him a glare before reading the title of the plates again.

-This is so complicated. I can't tell by the title if this one is meat or fish or... Vegetarian food.

Richard frowned and looked at the cart too. He scoffed when he read it.

-I'm sorry, I laughed at you but you're so damn right. What the hell are those things?

-Jason seriously booked in a gastronomic restaurant... He should know us better than that, she said with a laugh.

-I know right? What a pity, there is no pizza in the menu.

ACT ▷ RICHARD HARMON [en]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant