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London was Jace's favorite city. Las Vegas, New York, all this cities were bigger, the girl didn't care. England was unique to her eyes. People were so nice and even if the streets were crowded, it was always less than what she was used to. The thing was that everything looked beautiful around her. What a miracle, the sun was shining on the United Kingdom! Jace though that the weather was coordinated with her mood; bright and comfortable.

It was her third convention, the brunette already have been to France and California for a Teen Wolf meeting and she loved it. She was wondering if the The 100's fans were different and if there would have another atmosphere. Ricky told her every fandom was different, she couldn't wait to see that. Jace was so excited to meet her fans but the convention was only tomorrow and lasted three days. After the third day, they would have a little party. They also will have a lot of time to visit the city, she couldn't be happier.

Richard was happy too but also nervous. What was he supposed to do during this trip? If he's not doing anything than Sachin would be really disappointed, himself too. But Richard sucked with girls. He was okay with flirting but when the situation was becoming serious, he was just loosing the wheel. To the boy, Jace was different. He really cared about her like he has never cared about anyone. He didn't know how to control this feeling, Jace was special, so special... So different from all the girls he has met. When they were together, he was just feeling good. Not feeling good like you can feel good when you're hanging out with some friends, he was feeling something like a connection between both of them. He was always looking at her, always noticing that she was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She was making him laugh, she was smart, she was the girl he was needing. He felt it. That was obvious; he wanted to be with her but didn't want to waist their friendship which was absolutely amazing.

First, they were gonna meet their fans, then he will see how things will get between them.

A thing was sure, the trip was about to grow them closer.

-Richard! Riiiichard! Look!

The girl shook his arm with excitation while looking outside the cab window. The car stopped in front of a huge shop, high with a lot of windows. Richard recognized the famous M&M's world. His heart warmed up, he haven't been there for years and it was always looking so magical. Like everything in London after all, right? They quickly thanked the cab driver before running outside. Richard flunked when Jace took his hand in hers to pull him inside the store. They were a lot of tourists walking everywhere, taking pictures, running between the M&M's machines. Their was a great atmosphere. Jace smiled at him, pulling him closer to walk through the place, looking around her.

-Look at all those sweets, I'm hungry right now.

He laughed and tightened her hand a little more.

-Please don't jump on the chocolate in public.

-You know me so well. I'll try.

She laughed too and looked at their hands with a smile on her face. Richard's cheeks immediately burned up.

-C'mon, look at this one! she said.

Richard turned his head in the direction that Jace were pointing at. She released his hand and walked to one of the mascot who was wearing a red M&M's disguise. The guys under was waving his hand to both of them. When Jace and Richard came to him, the giant red M&M's turned himself to Jace and started to move his hands, imitating a telephone with it while pointing at the girl. She laughed but Richard immediately stepped back. Was this guys really asking for her number? At least, that was normal.. Jace was gorgeous and her laugh the sweetest melody.

-Rich, can you take a pic of us? asked the brunette.

Richard executed himself, but not with a honest smile on his face. Suddenly the mascot said something that the both of them couldn't understand. They didn't noticed it at fist, it's only when they turned their back that the giant red M&M's ran to them and touched both of their shoulders. Jace and Richard looked curiously at each other. He passed his disguise over his head and revealed a handsome young guy who was around their ages. He smiled at them and introduced himself as Brendon.

-Hi, hem, I'm Brendon. I heard you call him Rich so... Are you guys the actors from 'The 100'? I mean, Richard and Jace?

Jace blushed. The guys has such an attractive smile with his soft beard and black hair. Richard felt something strange in his stomach when the guy looked at his friend.

-Does it bother you if we take a selfie?

-Of course not! But maybe not in the middle of the crowd... said Jace with a nervous laugh.

Richard agreed with her and the guy guided them behind a shop's aisles. They took a selfie together, one alone with Richard and one alone with Jace. When both of them wanted to turn their back and say goodbye, the shop assistant called Jace.

-Is it always okay, you know, sharing our phones numbers? he said with a flirty laugh.

Jace opened her mouth while laughing nervously but Richard suddenly felt a little bit angry.

-C'mon Jace, look, they have pastel blue M&M's!


-C'mon that's amazing! he repeated even if he didn't though it was that amazing.

The boy took her arm and said goodbye to Brendon like if he had never heard him asking Jace's phone number. When they were far enough, the girl turn herself to face with Richard.

-Explain yourself.

Richard's face turned red and he avoided Jace's eyes.

-Explain what?

-Pastel blue M&M's? Seriously? I saw you eating some on set. That's not amazing at all.

But Jace wasn't angry, she found the situation pretty funny. Richard was surprise to notice a smile on her face.


-Wasn't he cute? she said while holding his arm, chuckling.

-Hm... I... Maybe but..., he grumbled always avoiding her eyes.

She shook her head and took Richard's hand in hers, trying to make an eye contact.

-Richard Harmon, are you jealous?

The boy jumped, his cheeks totally burning.

-No I'm not.

-Yes you are.

-I-I'm not jealous.

-You are, don't play this game with me.

She laughed, a little bit satisfied.

-You know you don't have to be. You have nothing to envy that guy.

She continue walking among displays, but Richard stood there, gaping.

-Woohoo? Don't you want to see the other pastel colored M&M's?

Note: I have the right to fangirl about my own characters

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