i stg 99% of the ppl in my family are dead to me (or actually dead)

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my grandma thought it would be a good idea to come in my room at 2 am, turn the music on my phone down so low that you could barely hear it, and put my phone under my bed

ok first of all, i sleep with music because otherwise i hear things and if i hear things i see things and if i see things im more alert because my paranoia kicks in so when i sleep with music i hear that instead of whispers and footsteps

secondly, why the fuck would you put my phone under my bed? how stupid are you? who does that??

thirdly, how would you feel if i went into your room at 2 am, turned the volume on your phone all the way up, and sent you 7 texts in a row? thats basically what you did to me but im inflicting noise you fuck

god i fucking hate this family

i hate everything

at this point the only people i consider family are the musketeers and a couple of other friends

fucking hell


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