Please Don't Go - Larry Stylinson One Shot

Start from the beginning

"Well excuse my naiveté, but I’m just curious as to why you don’t want us to be able to be together," Harry said hoarsely.

"Harry I want more than anything for us to be together… it’s just some people don’t," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Who cares about the other people?" Harry threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Being as the ‘other people’ are fans… we care Harry. The band-" I tried to explain, but Harry had apparently heard enough.

He stormed over to the bedroom door and wrenched it open, breathing heavily. I winced.

"Fine. If we aren’t telling everyone today, then I guess we won’t tell them ever. Because we won’t have to. We won't have a relationship to tell them about," Harry choked out.

I gasped, and tried to force my legs to move towards him, "You don’t mean that!" I called out desperately, but he had already slammed the door behind him. I strode over to the bedroom door and tried to open it with my shaky hands. "Harry!" I tried to call out, but the door to our flat slammed shut as well, and Harry was gone.

[Harry’s P.O.V]

I was surprised I had been in a good enough state to drive myself to Liam’s. I just hoped he was at home, and not at one of the other lad’s flats. I hadn’t even put on proper clothing before sprinting from the flat. I pounded on his door, not pausing until it was opened.

"Oh, Harry, I wasn’t expecting you until-" I cut him off by flinging myself into his chest, wrapping my arms tight around his torso, a sob escaping my lips. I felt him stiffen, "Harry?" his voice was filled with worry.

I could feel him trying to pull me away to look at my face, but I simply tightened my grip and shook my head, tears pouring down my face and probably soaking the grey shirt he wore.

"What on earth even happened mate?" he asked desperately, and I felt him hesitantly wrap one arm around me to hold me closer as one hand reached up to pet my hair. "Where’s Lou?"

And I started sobbing harder, if that was possible. Liam stopped asking questions for a bit, and continued to hold me and pet my hair as I sobbed. My heart felt completely shattered, and I had to admit that I was kind of hating myself. Once I was as calm as I was going to get, I figured I should probably enlighten Liam. Before I could however, his phone rang. His hand left my hair as he reached to pull the device from his pocket and pressed it to his ear.

"Hey…" he said hesitantly into the phone. I tried to keep my sniffling to a minimum in order to hear who was on the other line. All I could pick out was a panicked mumbling. The hand Liam had wrapped around me patted my back gently as I felt him nod, "Yeah… he’s here."

And then I knew it was Louis. I sucked in a huge breath and squirmed away from Liam. He gave me a concerned look and listened to what Louis was saying, "Well I don’t think I can promise that… yeah. Okay. That's more reasonable. Yes. I promise, Louis. He'll be fine."

"Promise what?" I whimpered.

Liam didn’t answer, he just sighed, "Alright. Yeah. Bye."

"Promise what?!" I asked again

As he hit end on his phone, he raised his eyebrows at me. I glanced at the large tear stain on his shirt, and mumbled an apology.

"At first he wanted me to promise that he could come see you and you'd listen. But after I told him I couldn't do that, he made me promise I'd get you to the interview safely. What happened Harry?" he asked cautiously. "Why did Louis just call asking if you were here? He sounded as if he were going mental, mate. I have a feeling he didn’t know where you’d gone. I think you scared him."

Please Don't Go - Larry Stylinson One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now