Chapter 4 - Stray

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Her hand carefully let down the paper, almost sadly. Once the note touched the side of the bed, she stepped away slowly. Her blue eyes glanced down, with a fond smile; the blond was sleeping soundly, never one to wake up if he felt safe. Alexis was resting on a bed, which he and Uriel had made a couple days before. All around him were half built wooden walls, the foundations of a small cabin. Not even the small rabbit that slept on top of him perceived her there by their side; she was as silent as the breeze.

"I'll be back soon."

With that last whisper, she stepped around a wall, in order to leave. She tucked her backpack closer, while she peeked around the clearing. She saw no trace of Uriel, and to her, it was a relief. Her feet began to move, decided and fast; but that did not mean she did not look back sometimes.

She soon reached the end of the clearing, and ventured into the vegetation. All around her was dark; the moon barely could reach her, covered by tall looming trees. She knew her way, even if the forest was labyrinthine. She knew as well that demons lurked about, and was not surprised when a huge shadow moved into her path. Two red eyes glinted in front of her. She could not step forward as the bear sized demon blocked her way calmly. She only stared blankly while he spoke slowly.

"Want me to keep an eye while you're gone?"

Ayako leaned her head to a side, with a small frown.

"Lykaios, mind telling me why do you worry so much for the two of them? This is unusual of you. I expect some sort of interest, for my sake, but you seem... too caring."

The chest of the wolf trembled subtly, yet he remained calm. He kept speaking, coldly, playing his part.

"I gave part of me, for them to live, for you to not cry and feel guilt. I'm not allowing that my suffering is taken for granted; I want to make sure that angel does not take that sword in his hands again."

Ayako sighed, falling for Lykaios' feigned disdain.

"He wouldn't hurt a fly..." She finally moved, stepping around him to keep going. "Do whatever you want, but don't stalk them."

Her voice was harsh, but he felt how her hand gave him a soft caress as she walked by. Her fingers brushed his long mane, lovingly, thankfully. His eyes narrowed while he watched her go, knowing well she would be back soon; sooner than she thought she would be.

Lykaios waited, and waited... and as soon as he was sure she was gone, he spoke again.

"Get down of there."

There was a short silent gasp, which he heard above. His sharp red eyes caught how Uriel flinched on a branch, caught eavesdropping. He did not need to say anything else; the young demon understood that he should come down slowly and face him. He climbed down, obviously agitated. Lykaios glared up at him, until Uriel was only steps away.

"Don't want her to go, yet you say nothing to her." Uriel was clasping his claws together, looking down to the ground. He only blinked when mocked. "She saw you up there as well, you know?"

Uriel stuttered, more nervous.

"S-she did?"

Lykaios' rolled his eyes. Uriel just watched him turn and give him his back.

"You stole her memories, yet you are the one who seems to forget how sly she is."

Uriel did not retort; he only looked longingly at the path headed south. His violet eyes had sorrow, as if he still could see her there.


His eyes read again, and again. He had read it out loud, multiple times, carefully and slowly. He had said every word written on the note he held, yet the complaints were unending. Alexis lowered the paper, and glared annoyingly at his demon.

"Uriel, it is written right here: I'll be back. There's no way to interpret that as I don't want to see you ever again."

His annoyance only grew; Uriel stopped pacing sharply, to look at him even more anxiously.

"She has only left three words on that note! She could mean anything with it!"

"Like what?" Alexis shrugged as he threw the paper to the ground, much less anxious than his demon, but more close to snapping. "I'll be back with a pack of hunters ready to make trophies out of your heads? Come on..."

Alexis blinked, because before the paper could touch the ground, a claw snatched it up. Uriel held the paper close to his chest, while he scoffed sadly.

"Do not joke like that!" He pointed his tail at Alexis, while he growled and despaired. "She could mean she is going away for a long while! She could leave us alone! She could have decided we don't need her! We're nothing but strangers to her now!"

Alexis let out a long sigh, while Uriel just fixed his gaze on the note, almost painfully. Those amber eyes looked up again, tiredly.

"Isn't that what you wanted at first?"

Uriel blinked, and visibly shook. He seemed to doubt for a second, and could only answer with the truth, shamefully.

"Y-yes. But-"

Alexis shook his head. Before Uriel could keep rambling, he stepped closer and patted his shoulder caringly.

"Look, Uriel, she WILL be back; very soon in fact." He smiled up at him reassuringly, noting the dread in those guilty violet eyes. "You were too shy to speak to her much these days, but I did more than bicker with her. She was running low on herbs, and she wants to keep on checking my scars; she spoke multiple times of how she should check on her village. She does not hate you, and does not think you want to kill me, nor is she testing you. And IF she IS testing you, you just have to avoid ripping me to pieces! Piece of cake, right?! Just relax!

Uriel looked between the note and Alexis, back and forth. He ended up taking a deep breath and sighing, to then smile nervously at him.


Alexis smirked suddenly and pointed at him, which made Uriel blink, pokerfaced.

"Ah, I don't accept apologies! I've heard your nonsense all morning, so you got to do something for me now!"

Uriel glared at him, showing his fangs as he gasped indignantly.

"You...! I am right to voice my worries, and I'm already doing most of the work with this cabin! What could you possibly want now? More shells from the lake to satisfy your gluttony?"

Alexis' eye seemed to glint; he looked at Uriel over the shoulder, and let out a small contented whisper.

"Something you stubbornly refuse to do..." He turned, and sharply pointed at the side of the structure. "Build a damn room and bed for yourself! Unless you want me to keep calling you a fairy!"

Uriel just stared at him blankly, mouth agape. Alexis just kept pointing, even when Uriel turned to walk away.

"Better be called a fairy and keep sleeping in the open, than having to hear your snores next room."

In the distance, two ears rose. Lykaios looked up a little, as he heard an annoyed yell from the clearing.

"Hey! Don't you walk away and ignore me! Uriel!"

His sharp eyesight caught how Alexis began to chase Uriel, arms up, all followed by more annoyed complaints between the two. He just sighed, and then let his head down to keep on napping near the river.

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