Chapter 1: Captive

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There are creatures screeching all around, people that I do not recognize, killing them, paying me no mind. I try to hide, sweeping myself into the forest, away from the fray of people as blood sprays.

There's a darkness looming, something familiar, something I was running from.

How long was I in the everforest? I can't remember and when I try to, I can feel my ears bursting, like my mind is blocking me from a gaping hole that has imbedded into my skull.

When I walked in I felt like me, now I feel... different, like I'm not fully alone. My body feels frozen, a stronger sense of Danger stabbing through like icy daggers, but it is not me, I am not the one in danger. It is someone else.

I shake my head, feeling as if I am trying to protect something, someone maybe, but I ignore it, trying to avoid being seen.

A dark cloud skirts across the ground like a wave rushing to shore, killing grass and plants as it moves, swallowing the living up. I watch, my magyk shielding me as it passes, burbling by, and next I hear the screams of these wild people.

They do not understand that the force they fight is grand, that it is too powerful and large for them. They should run, they shouldn't be fighting it head on, but they do not stumble as they are weakened, the wave of death sucking the energy out of them, pulling their life force out, feeding on their pain.

It is hard to watch, this magyk could only belong to one man that I know of, and that is someone I must avoid at all costs, so I head onwards, hoping to skirt around them, they are distracted with another enemy for now. I am sure they did not send such a large army after me. I am but one girl after all...

But Guilt rears it's ugly head, eating at me as I find myself looking back, hoping that I will not be seen. I watch as the soldiers embark upon their first line, cutting them down and something seems to snap in me as I feel a searing pain against my shoulder.

I get the sense that Someone is in danger because of me.

I bite my lip, clasping the sword that is tied to my hip, noticing it's fine quality. How did I get such a weapon in a forest? Where did I get this clothing? I would never in my life wear something that shows so much skin, but I find that it fits like a glove, the leather bindings, not too tight as I feel that pain yet again.

I watch a large man, hair as black as night, driving through a Vartan soldier. He does not exactly look like the rest of his kind and I notice the blood that drips from his shoulder. I push aside the familiarity I feel as I look at him, but as I pass by, trying my best to shadow behind the trees nearest him, I can feel his eyes, though they do not look towards me.

They look past me, captivating in their depth, fixed upon a large tree, where an archer is perched, an arrow deftly pointed straight for him.

I feel a slice of fear. It scorches right through me, and though I do not know this man, I knock an arrow and let it fly so quickly that the archer didn't have a chance as he falls to the ground with a thunk.

The man is now nowhere in sight, lost in the crowd of wildlings and Vartens alike, fighting with his people, not thanking me, but I do not expect a wilding to do such a thing, so I turn, about to continue on until a hand grasps me from behind, dragging me against a body that is covered in blood.

"I didn't think it would be so easy to find you. I guess they didn't want you after they found out what might be coming to them if we didn't get you back huh?" A voice growls in my ear and I feel another whisper of pain against my abdomen, though there is no new wound, just the breath of a nasty soldier that I know is apart of that cold blooded Army.

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