Chapter 5

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Working under the sun can really work out an old ... I mean a youthful person's appetite. I don't remember any day where I released this much sweat from work. Well, maybe that one time when  was doing that action movie. The bruises on my sides hurt whenever I remember that. 

"What shall  I have today?" I reached for the oatmeal on the counter. Wait, why am I aiming to eat oatmeal when I'm not in my frail old woman body? I should be havng a feast! All these sodium-filled food that may highten my blood pressure is around me. Just a little taste wouldn't hurt right?

But what should I even try  first? There are so many foods that I want to put in my mouth! Why did Lisa decide to stock the fridge yesterday! Seeing this much food is not good for my figure...

Oh to hell with it, I'm not even a star anymore! Watching my figure won't do me any good. And no one knows when I'll turn back to my real age might as well do something with my current time. 

And that is to ... EAT LIKE A BEAST!! 

 "WHO ARE YOU!?" If you have ever been in an awkward position before, I don't know  if you can top mine. 

I, in my 17 year old body, was looking back at my utterly terrified granddaughter who was threatening me with the tip of her umbrella while I was stuffing my face in my third serving of Apple Pie. 

I will definitely gain some recognition for living through that moment right? 

"I can explain!" I said while wiping the remains of the pie onto my jeans, actually it's hers once you think about it. 

"You better explain this so good or else I will flip out! Explan why are you in my grandmother's house. Explain why are you eating in her kitchen. Explain why you are wearing MY clothes. AND EXPLAIN WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU LOOK A LOT LIKE ME!" 

I hope she can take what I'm about to tell her.


"So you're telling me you are my grandma Beth only that you've magically turned back into being a 17 year old girl?" Milly had hands clasped together as she rested her chin on top of it. She was looking so disraught that I felt a little regretful for dropping this issue on her so suddenly. If I were the one told of this, I wouldn't believe it even if I were to see it in front of my eyes. I am that much of a non-believer.  

But I do believe in God, mind you. 

"Are you sure you are not some kind of long lost twin or family member? That would make more sense than," She moves one of her hands in front of me " this or whatever your trying to say." 

I sighed. "You not only got my looks but also my rational mind. I am so proud."  I shouldn't had been touched by her doubt in me but I couldn't help me. Having that kind of thinking can make me feel assured that no one can trick my granddaughter tthat easily. 

She stared at me for awhile and smiled. "You really are my Grandma Beth." 

"Eh? How can you say that?" I asked. 

"Because you are the only one who I know who can feel relieved when someone doubts  them." 

Milly moved from her seat. She stood next to me and reached for the picture frame on the coffee table. What would she need that for?

"I've also been studying yur movements and expressions when you were explaining everything to me. Your eyes didn't hold any shred of lying and your body movements reminded me too much of you Grandma Beth. I also kept comparing you to this picture and no doubt that this is you. You and this picture are so alike that it is hard to believe that you are another person." 

I'm sure my granddaughter was a fashion designer but how come she is so sharp!? She managed to do all of that investigating in a matter of minutes without showing a hint of what she was doing to me. Melanie could have been a great prosecutor if she wanted to. I have no words for the respect she gained from me. 

"What are you spacing out for Grandma?" Her voice brought me back  from my obvious obliviousness from the moment. 

"Uh, nothing Milly. How come you're all giddy now?" I couldn't help asking. Milly had a certain new spark in her eyes after she told me she truested me being her grandma. She was always the bubbly type of gal but I just couldn't help think that this bubbly was not her usual. 

"Why are you smiling all creepy now?" 

"It's because I finally have a sister to play with! And it's better just cause you are one of the awesomest grandmas on the earth! I want to do a lot of things with you!" 

She grabbed me by the hand and ran towards the stairs. I had a hard time catching up. Her sudden decision to run gave my body no time to adopt. I caught my breath when she was rummaging through her clothes in her room. Why would she suddenly go here?

"What are you looking for dear?" I asked as my grandaughter stuck her head into her cabinet. 

"Well a set of clothes for you of course. You can't go into town covered in apple pie can you grandma?" 

"Of course I can't, that is unbecoming of a lady." Then it made me think. 

"But why exactly are we going into town?"

Milly stopped rummaging and looked at me. Her expression was giving me the kind of are-you-serious vibe or are-you-dense vibe. Had she forgetten her manners? Even if I'm 17 years old I am still hear grandmother! 

"Answer me young lady or else I will ground you." 

The corner of her lips moved a bit showing she was slightly irritated but as I said, only slightly. 

"We are going into town because I want to go shopping with you. I really wanted to go shopping with someone who is as gorgeous as you when you were young and who would befit  for that role more than the real thing! Come on Grandma just this once!"

"We can do that later Milly, I am still tired from gardening all day." 

She gave me one of her very effective pouts. "But we don't know when you'll turn back to your old age! I want to do this now more than ever knowing that! Please Grandma~ Please~" 

And just like that, I was inside a cab, beside my granddaughter, wearing her floral dress, heading into the town.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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