It Begins with a Secret...

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Interesting was an understatement, the scene at Xiiltharra's feet was strange, strange enough for the Enchantress to experience an electric sensation running up and down her arms.  Alarm and suspicion now coursing through her black veins.

History has told us that the Human species are no more than a vile, blood-thirsty and cruel race. The mortal's sole purpose is to gain singular power and selfish domination, by whatever means possible, over all who reside on this planet.

With squinted eyes, a furrowed brow and a distasteful pout, the Enchantress examined the tiny Human, deciding whether to kill it now...or should she wait until later? 

Stretching out her corpse-like arm above the child and snapping her fingers, Xiiltharra mystically raised the wrapped newling up off the ground to shoulder height, an inch below her gnarly fingers.  The package spun slowly in a clockwise direction, all the while being under the watchful eye of the Enchantress.  

She was looking for a sign, anything that showed the true nature of the Human beast. 

Xiiltharra expected to see evil swirl within the depths of the tiny creature's eyes.  She was hoping to feel the vibrations of hate roll off the tiny body.  The Enchantress was prepared to hear the piercing scream of a battle cry escape the lips of the tiny destroyer just centimetres from her grasp.

Xiiltharra's poisonous magic penetrated the baby's skin. It like spread like acid through her tiny veins and organs; snarling and biting its way along a fevered path as it searched for any malignancy.  The toxic stream engulfed her entire system before turning its attention to the child's heart and penetrating the pounding muscle. 

The sinister incantation filling the baby's heart was designed to push the newling to its limits, to test the child's resolve....but nothing.   Nothing but a playful coo escaped from the wrapped, fair skinned beast.

No fear, no pain, no hate emanated from the tiny creature.

With a not-so-lady-like grunt, the Enchantress blew out an exasperated breath, she was hoping for justification but was left disappointed, and so with a wiggle of her translucent bony fingers, she magically lowered the now giggling package back down to its mossy crib.  

"What to do with you?"  Xiiltharra pondered, clicking her tongue.

She knew of the decree that was set in place all those many moons ago, of course she knew it...for it was she who had administrated the Union of the Realms.   The Enchantress would be the first one to remind any other creature of the mandate...forcibly if need be, and so she was not about to go against her own legislation on a whim.

Xiiltharra closed her eyes and privately debated the situation with herself.

The Human race are a brutal species, pure evil.   The ancient chronicles, describing the wars that had almost destroyed the Supernatural Realms, retold the horrors of what a Human Being is capable of.  Xiiltharra was not about to take any chances of allowing a Human to live and risk the destruction of the Fae Realm, yet at the same time, she could not bring herself to kill the was just a baby after all.  And at this stage in the child's life, no matter what magic she wielded or no matter how powerful she was, the child was of no threat to any creature roaming land, air or sea on this great earth. 

The Enchantress found nothing corrupt within the child at this time, therefore the Enchantress concluded that the baby would not die today, instead she would be used for study.  This was an opportunity not to be wasted.  To be able to examine and understand how the Human mind works, was of great asset to all. 

Anthology of the Realms, The Werewolf KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang