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Law:  by definition is any rule or injunction that must be obeyed

Decree: by definition is a formal and authoritative order, especially one having the force of law

Humans are weak, narrow minded...greedily desiring dominance and power above all other things. 
They have no place in this world. 
Mortals can't share this magnificent planet...their very nature prevents them to do so. 

They do not know how to...nor do they want to.

Fear convinces them to hate, to kill and to destroy.  It's fear in their own self worth that clouds all rational thought.  Fear twists their already twisted minds, spiralling them into a frenzy of blood thirsty rage.  Fear of everything unknown to them is the greatest downfall of the Human species.

They are a plague, staining this rich earth and in the opinion of many, it's a wonder they have survived this long...


A hundred centuries have past since the ancient wars raged between all species, Supernatural and Human.

The ancient wars that ravaged the Realms, left violent and bloody destruction within it's wake.
So much devastation, that some Realms came close to extinction.

This was the turning point, the catalyst for the Supernatural Realms and their occupants.  This was the juncture in which they all came to the realisation, that although they have their differences, for the sake of all species and more importantly for the sake of their survival, they must choose to live harmoniously side by side to avoid the risk of annihilation.

The Human Realm however...chose not to.

The mortal race vowed to wipe out every creature on the face of the earth that did not uphold to their ideals of what was right or what was considered "normal".

The powerful Enchantress Xiiltharra (Zil-tha-ra) from the Realm of The Fae, proceeded to form the mandate required to bind the Supernatural Realms in peace, in a United front against Mankind.

The unique and richly varied Beings of the Supernatural agreed to the mandate established by Xiiltharra.

The leaders from every Realm signed their names in blood to consummate the decree.
Each vowing to uphold the law stated within the legislation, "to live in peace with thy neighbour, regardless of race and beliefs, and to never allow a Human Being to enter any of the Supernatural Realms, regardless of reason. And NEVER under any circumstances, for that Human Being, to be allowed to live."

The contempt in which the Human race regards all other life on this planet is unjust and unacceptable.

And so, the only course of action appropriate enough to befit that of the Human species, is to be exactly like the Human species...kill on sight, disregard all other options.

Therefore, the law states - to kill any and all mortals who step foot into the United Realms.

This decree will stand resolute for all time...or until such time, that the Human race can prove themselves worthy of emulation, a notion of unlikely probability.

Since the decree was laid forth, the Supernatural Realms have lived in United peace, co-inhabiting for centuries without any interference or intrusion from the Human Realm.

Over this time, each of the Supernatural species have found their own individual way of concealing themselves from Human existence and thus, they are now, no more than just fairytales, stories, fables and myths to the Human race.

Just the way they like it.

Just the way they plan on keeping it.


Anthology of the Realms, The Werewolf KingWhere stories live. Discover now