4. alcohol

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The Prohibition

During the Roaring Twenties, the Women's Temperance movement had succeeded to get rid of alcohol legally, but it did not stop the production nor drinking of the beverage.

Wealthy families and gang members were now tied together: the wealthy pay and gangs supply. Alcohol was now easily obtained and it made sellers richer than ever. Police officers would turn a blind eye if bribed and it was all too beneficial.

The young (h/c) haired female felt her heart being gasped and twisted inside her chest— it ached beyond comprehension, but she cannot do anything to cease the pain.

Fio and Ronaldo's wedding was not meant to be seen as pleasant; it was being held for the sole purpose of a Vanetii marrying a Galassia for business. There was no love involved. There was only a woman keeping in her disgust for her husband deep within her core. It was agonizing to see Fio being sold off to a man who only held in lust. You could even say the Vanetti's pitied her to some extent, but they proceed with the plan and hope it all goes well.

Her gaze turns when she hears Nero yelling at the top of his lungs near the front entrance. She meets him and notices two other men there. One with dark skin and black-gray hair and the other... a man with pale skin and golden eyes; Avilio Bruno.

Tangled thoughts with parted lips that could not let out words, she questioned every little thing. Would Avilio recognize her? Would he ask where she ran off too years ago? Nothing was making sense at this moment and all she felt was suffocated.

"This fellas, is my younger sister, (y/n), and she has never drunken any kind of alcohol... but today is the day."

She questions what her brother was speaking about, but the man with a pale complexion opens a brief case with four bottles of liquor lined up. And it hit her, she never drank alcohol any where near the family, no one knew, no one except Avilio.

Nero lines up four glasses and starts pouring half way to each. They are distributed among the men and (y/n). Nero pats her head lightly then places his hand on her shoulder, "To a new partnership." The three men raise their glasses and clink them together as a seal to a contract.

But none of this mattered to her, because she was fixated on Avilio watching her while he swallows the beverage in one go.

"Awe did (y/n) want permission from her brother to drink?" Nero nudges her lightly with his usual bold grin.

"The whole world does not revolve around you." (y/n) lifts the glass to her lips and swallows it in one gulp. The feeling of her throat burning was missed but it was different this time; this alcohol was the strongest she has ever had, and the taste lingered longer than usual.

"Good, right?"

The burning fades and she coughs right after, "Has alcohol always been this strong?"

"Never," Nero smiles. "Luckily for you, we will have access to this all year around thanks to these two."

(Y/n) turns to look at the duo and smiles, "I am sure we will be seeing each other often, so do not be a stranger." She extends her hand and shakes with the male who introduced himself as Corteo; it was noticeable he was intimidated and uncomfortable. She moves onto Avilio and notices he was more ambitious and knew what he was doing. He had not changed. They shake hands but he held onto hers a bit longer than usual. During all of this, the eye contact was never broken.

"It is a pleasure meeting you Miss (y/n)."

Her outside appearance was calm and ordered, but inside she was frozen stone cold because all she has managed to cover up, was right here, out in the open, "Same goes for you, sir."

(Y/n) steps away from the man and stands next to Nero, who wraps his arm around her and walks with her toward the house, "Well, have fun you two. I'll get our next meeting arranged."

It is time to explain yourself.

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