
"Ashley, get the fuck..." Julia said through gritted teeth as Ashley ran ahead of her, giggling like the little shit he was. Her arms were full with random necessities for the day, and she was carefully making her way down the front steps, trying not to drop anything. Ashley kept poking and prodding her as he danced around the truck, lit with child-like excitement. Landon jumped down from the bed of his old blue truck, walking over to lessen Julia's load.

"Thank you." She said gratefully, as he emptied her arms to place everything in the back of the truck.

The boat was locked on to the back of the truck, and Landon had already loaded the surfboards, and was just placing the last of the stuff in the back as the others came out, Mikhail locking the door behind him.

"Everyone good?" Dalton called from the top step, before making his way toward the vehicles. "Okay, where's everyone going?"

"One more can come with Ashley and I in the truck." Landon said looking down at the others from where he stood in the bed of the truck.

No one jumped at the opportunity, the idea of sitting in the middle seat of the bench with no air conditioning, didn't seem too appealing in this hot weather.

"I will." Alexis spoke up, steeping toward the truck, she didn't really mind, considering she spent numerous summers perched in the front seat of Landon's truck.

"Well that's settled." Dalton said with a smile as he headed toward Ryder's' large, black, Range Rover, the others followed, opening the doors to pile in.

"I'll follow you?" Ryder asked, throwing his keys into the air and catching them as Landon jumped to the ground.

"Sounds good." Landon said, slamming the tailgate into place, before climbing into his seat. Ashley and Alexis were already buckled in as Landon started up the truck, Alexis threw a wave over her shoulder as they pulled away from the curb.


The buildings gave way to trees, and the trees opened up to reveal the rolling ocean on the left side as their vehicles sped along the empty road.

Landon signalled to the right as he pulled the truck onto the gravel beside the road, cutting off the engine he stepped out of the truck. Ryder pulled the Range Rover up behind him as Landon leaned over the back of the bed, checking their belongings. Julia noted that Landon had taken his shirt off at some point of the drive as they all got out of the Range Rover. Everyone stretched and paced, loosening their bodies from the almost hour drive, Alexis was pulling her clothes away from her sticky skin, allowing it to breathe in the wind coming off of the water. Where they had parked their vehicles, you were unable to see the ocean, there were small, rolling hills of sand obscuring the view. Ryder opened up the back of his Rover, removing the few things there, to add them to the rest of their stuff. As Ryder threw in the last of it, Landon had the tailgate down, and the group made their way into the back. Ryder hoisted himself over the side quickly, taking place beside Dalton to help the girls up. Julia placed her hand in his, letting out a yelp as Ryder lifted her easily into the truck bed. She stumbled into him, and Ryder grabbed her quickly before she could lose balance.

Alexis, Veronica, and Ryder sat along one side, while Julia, Dalton and Mikhail sat along the other. Ashley climbed into the passenger seat while Landon got behind the wheel.

Landon slid the back window open. "You guys ready?" He asked as Ryder pressed the lock on his key chain. The lights of the Range Rover flashed as the horn honked.

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