Chapter Three

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The girls had never seen the interior of Afterlife before, they had only read the paparazzi blurbs

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The girls had never seen the interior of Afterlife before, they had only read the paparazzi blurbs. The interior was dark in every way the lobby was white. The only form of light coming from the few dozen, mix and matched chandeliers hanging low from the ceiling. The atmosphere was nothing like what the girls were expecting, the modern and Victorian came together in the furniture and the mixed wallpapers lining the walls. On both sides of the large room, long dark curtains separated private seating areas, while throughout the main of the floor, sleek leather chairs were grouped with Victorian chaise lounges around small glass tables.

The little pink haired man led them across the expanse of the room chattering away. "...Oh, and B-T-dub, you girls look gorgeous!" He sing-songed the last word, drawing the girls' attention from their surroundings. "And here we are."

As the girls neared one of the curtained areas, the red velvet curtain was held back with a gold tie revealing five gorgeous men, dressed to the nines in black tailored suits.

The girls watched as two of the men noticed their approach, jaws dropping at the sight. It took the other guys only a moment to catch sight of the girls before their jaws dropped also.

"What the hell did you guys do?" Alexis hissed, unable to contain her excitement as the guys stood, a few of them re-buttoning their suit jackets.

Alexis flung her arms out wide, indicating everything, and unable to form words.

The guys started towards them, Ryder was front and centre as he neared Alexis, his hands were held out in front of him, so the moment he was close enough, his large hands cupped Alexis' face, bringing her lips to his. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he kissed her desperately, his dark curls tickling her face.

"You look incredible." He whispered in his deep raspy voice as he pulled away to look her in the eye.

As Ryder closed the distance to Alexis, Veronica was pulled into a rough embrace as Landon wrapped his arms around her, his lips coming down roughly on hers. His lips brushed her neck as he breathed her in. "Wow." Was all he said against her exposed collarbone.

Before Julia had a conscious thought of it, she had thrown her arms around Mikhail's neck pulling him down to her, opening her mouth to invite his tongue in. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body tight against his hard chest, lifting her slightly off her feet.

Before Ryder had moved away from Alexis, she was already reaching for Dalton, she pulled his face to hers, "You are..." She started between kisses. "...Unbelievably... Amazing..." he was laughing against her lips as she did so. "I have no idea how you all managed this..." She pulled back to look up at Dalton, then over her shoulder to glance at the other boys. Tears blurred her vision. Landon was stepping over, pulling Alexis towards him as both Veronica and Julia moved in on Dalton.

Alexis looked up into his soft brown eyes, as Landon wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning forward to brush his lips against hers. Although Alexis willed the tears not to fall, one slipped from beneath her eyelashes.

Normal Adolescent BehaviourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora