In A Time Only They Knew

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》Hey! I write poems, too! I have notebooks filled with poems, but my best ones are the ones about love. Here they are!《

Closing her eyes, her mind took her away
To memories of new love back in her days
Vividly, images of a young boy invaded her view
His lips clearly mouthing, "I love you."

The smile of a younger girl took over the scene
And in that moment, she felt as if in a dream
And the girl looked over to the boy she adored
And she said, "Oh, but baby, I love you so much more~"

The next scene was of the same boy, but a few years older
Thick beard, tall figure, his heart much bolder
He was not allowed to peek into his sight
Of the upcoming lady dressed in pure white

The scene changed again, but this time, it was cold
But loving hands took her, warming her, taking her to hold
Their eyes turned to the large tree decorated with glistening lights
For Christmas spirit drove them to illuminate the night

Next she remembered a bed, the velvet sheets beneath her
A bare body over hers, fixed on giving her sweet pleasure
The first time he made love to her, and she held him tight
For the moment then and there just seemed so right

The vision faded and there was a delay
Before the sweet laughter of children came her way
Two boys and a girl playing with their dad
As she, the mother, taped it to have

She reopened her eyes and saw a figure just within reach
Gray hairs scattered in his dark brown curls, his skin peach
Her fingers reached out to his sunken, deep defined face
Very gently, she touched his cheek, its softness almost feeling out of place

Groggy eyes slowly opened to meet with her own
And in the morning light, a small smile shone
Her lips met with his almost as if to say
"I'm glad to be here, forever and always."

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