"Awe, Jared! Come in for a hug." Connor joked, moving from his chair to Jared's.

"No. No! Help! I'm being attacked! This is violating!" He protested, despite the smile he was trying to hide. Evan laughed, watching the whole thing unfold. Jared couldn't help but feel at least a little bit happy to have an actual friend, but he still had a reputation to keep.

"You two would make a better couple." Evan joked, unable to stop himself from laughing.

"Okay, fuck no. Gross." Both replied simultaneously, moving away from each other. Connor opted to sit by Evan, allowing himself to hold his hand.

Connor is holding your hand... I wonder what his hands would feel like running through my hair, his lips pressed against mine-

Okay slow down.

"You should name your freaky, wedlock love child." Jared suggested, gesturing to the plant in the corner of the room.

"Alfred." Connor immediately suggested, saying the first name to come to mind.

"Like Batman's dad?"

"Butler. God Hansen, learn your comic facts."

"Sorry, Jared, I don't sit alone in my basement playing video games all night."

"Name it Dick. Like Dick Grayson. Batman's sidekick?"

"Shit, Kleinman. You're nerdier than I thought."

An awkward silence filled the room before Jared spoke up.

"You should name it like a ship name, a weird sometimes dirty combination of your names." Jared winked, racking his brain for anything dirty he could make out of their names. So far, he was coming up empty.

"Kevin." Evan suggested, shrugging his shoulders. "Connor and Evan. I-It's spelt differently, but we can a-add a C and make it Cevin. But that would be more like 'Ceevin' I think. I'm probably wrong, sorry."

"Good enough for me." Connor agreed, his eyes settling on his boyfriend's new present.

"Sound's decent. I'll try and come up with a new one, keep your phone on. You'll be receiving a phone call later." Jared had to add, winking his right eye. Evan blushed, the reality of what was happening settling in.

You have a boyfriend. You have a friend.

They're paying attention to you and only you.

That's incredibly selfish.

"I should go home. You two lovers have fun." Jared winked again, snickering to himself a bit.

"Fuck off, Kleinman." Connor teased, using what would normally be an insult in a playful way. The way he said it didn't say mean, it said playful.

"Be sure to use protection! I don't want my friend here getting anything weird." Jared made sure to add, running out the door before Connor could react.

A comfortable silence clung to the room after the front door closed, signally Jared's exit. Evan and Connor's eyes locked, their hearts fluttering in their chests.

Oh, wow is he hot. His hair looks so soft and his eyes could melt ice. His nails are polished? Why didn't I notice that earlier? Actually, why did I never notice him till this year?

Because you were too busy fantasizing about his sister.

Oh, yeah.

"So..." Connor mumbled, leaning forward. Evan followed, leading the kiss this time. Their lips gently clashed, both feeling such an overwhelming bout of happiness. Their hands held each other, all worries temporarily diminishing.

They broke apart to someone clearing their throat, looking over to see Heidi standing in the doorway. "Not on my couch." She joked, taking a seat in the chair Jared had previously occupied.


Wait, since when do I swear?

"S-sorry mom." Evan blushed, sharing a glance with Connor. His boyfriend was beet red, his cheeks only seeming to get more and more flushed the longer they sat.

"Should we order pizza? Chinese? Mexican?" Heidi asked, changing the subject. Evan had nothing to apologize for, she was only joking around. Connor looked embarrassed beyond repair.

"Whatever." Connor shrugged, moving away from Evan a little bit so there was more distance between them on the couch. Evan nodded in agreement, begging his mom with his eyes to choose and not put pressure on him.

"I'll order pizza." She decided, getting out of the chair to call the pizza place in town. Evan took out his phone, seeing two new messages from Jared.

{Jared Kleinman}

Please don't tell anyone this, but I'm legitimitly happy for you. Don't you dare tell anyone this or bring this up again or I take it back completely. Ur still a freak tho, but ur his freak. And now mine. Cinnamon Roll more so.

There was a break, the newer message loading on his phone.

Plus, I wanna make clear, I don't fucking eat bath bombs.

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