8. •Can I Stay, Please?•

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I was laying in hospital, holding hands with Justin, who has fallen asleep. We've been trought a lot, but he will always be my best friend. But I still can't believe what Sheri did, she was only using me to get close to him. In the middle of my thoughts, doctor came in my room.

,,Miss Davis, you can go home already. But be careful with pills next time! Goodbye!" Doctor Jewells said.

,,Thanks, goodbye!" I said,and then she left the room.

,,Justin, wake up I can go home already!" I yelled, but that didn't help so I slapped him.


,,I said that I can go home already!"

,,Oh yes,great! I will pack your things, go change into your clothes." He said, tired.

I changed into my clothes and we left hospital.

                         °Next Day°

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
I totally forgot it's already school today! I am not excited thought, people will be saying I tried to kill myself and other things. But it's the first day, so I have to get ready. I picked some dress from my closet and posted a photo on Instagram.

 I picked some dress from my closet and posted a photo on Instagram

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Liked by @hannahbaker, @clayjensen and 340 others.

@cherrdavis : Getting ready for the first day of the school! (IGNORE THE BACKROUND)

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@jessdavis : Looking good, sis!

@user1: This is that bitch who tried to kill herself! @user2

@user2: Yes, she just wants attention!

@jfoley : Stop hating on her, she didn't try to kill herself! And you look great!

@cherrdavis disabled the comments


,,Are you ready?" Jess shouted at me when I was doing my eyeliner.
,,Uhm, yeah, coming!" I replied.
                     •At school•

I entered my school, and everyone started shouting naughty words to me.
,, Kill yourself! Wait, you already tried!"
,,If you will die, you will surely go to hell!"
I just walked trought them to my class and sat next to Justin.
,,Hi Jay"
,,What happened?"
,, What happened?! All the people are yelling things at me, that's what happened!"
He didn't say anything, he just pulled me into the hug.
,,Thanks, I needed that. So are you coming over to mine at... 4PM?"
,,Ok, I will come"

                       •After school•

I got home at 2:30PM and changed to crop top and shorts. I watched some movies on Netflix and then I checked instagram.

 I watched some movies on Netflix and then I checked instagram

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Liked by @hannahbaker, @clayjensen and 245 others.

@jessdavis: So is this official or what?
Tagged: @hannahbaker, @clayjensen

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@hannahbaker: What do you think, Clay? @clayjensen

@clayjensen: Yes, it is ❤.

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I was still scrolling trought instagram, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I totally forgot that Justin is coming! I ran to the door and opened.
,,Why are you crying? What happened? Come in!"
We sat on the couch and I gave Justin some tissues.
,, So what happened?"
,, Do you remember how I had a happy family, me mom and dad? Well my mom cheated on dad, they broke up and now she is with the guy she cheated on dad. A-and....." He started crying. ,, And that idiot is always punching me and my mother doesn't do a shit about it. Sometimes I was at Bryce's but I am not his friend now. Uhm...Can I stay, please?"
,,Oh my god Justin I am so so so sorry! I didn't know that! And of course you can stay!"
,,Thank you so much!" He said and pulled me into a hug.
,,Do you want to watch some movies? And something to eat? Maybe ice cream?"
,,Oh yeah, thanks!"
We watched some of Justin's favorite movies and ate ice cream.
,, I am going to take a shower, okay?"
I got to the bathroom,took the shower and then I started filling the bathtub with water. When it was almost full, I called Justin.
,,Jay, come here please!"
,,Coming!" He shouted.
He stepped to the bathroom.
,,Take a bath, you need to relax."
,,Thank you..."
,,Yeah yeah"
I ran to the kitchen and did Justin's favorite meal and drink.
,,Wow, Cherry what I did to you that you are treating me like this?" He came to the kitchen, only with his towel on.
,,Since when and why are you calling me Cherry?"
,, Since now and because it's  sweet.Like you."
,, Haha, well thanks."
We spend the night together.


,, Justin come to our balcony, we see that beautiful garden here."
"I am coming"
We came to the balcony and saw all the lights and a garden. I grabbed Justin's hand, looked into his beautiful eyes and...... I kissed him.
We were kissing for some time, and Jess just got home from Hannah's and she saw us.
,, Cherr! I knew you were in love!"
,,Fųck, what are you doing here!"
,, It's 10PM already and I got from Bryc- I mean Hannah's, remember?"
,,What were you doing at Bryce's? I thought you understood what I said!"
,,I did, but he said he is sorry and then he-he...."
,, Justin please leave us alone"I said to Jay. Then he left.
,,So what did he do?"
,,He-he ra-raped me" she started crying.
,,Oh my god Jess go to sleep okay I am going to get the Revenge right now!"
,,Okay...... don't do anything bad!"
I just ran to the bedroom and packed my things and called my friend from police.


(Receiving texts are black)

Hey,meet me at the cliff at 12PM. Don't be late.
OK. I will come. Don't bring anyone. Deal?


A/N; Is Cherry going to do something very bad? Or does she just wants justice? See in next episode which is the last too!

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