Chapter 5: Truths and Flights

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Hiccup's POV

Oh no. I gulped and stared at Camicazi. She was still frozen and her mouth was slowly opening and closing as she took in the fact that Toothless was a dragon, not just any dragon, but a Night Fury. Toothless wasn't as hostile before since Cami dropped her weapons, in fact he was laughing in his own dragon way. It must've been pretty funny to him to see a girl who took down a strong man like Alvin had suddenly turned weak in his presence alone. Cami must have noticed that Toothless was laughing at her since her gaping expression turned into one of fury.

"Is that dragon laughing at me?" she demanded.

I quickly thought of what to do. Knowing Cami, she would snap if I told her yes, but she would probably kill me if I lied to her.

"Yeah, he is." I told her. We didn't have the time to discuss Toothless mocking her, we needed to get as far as way as possible. "Listen Cami, I can explain everything, but we need to get out of here, Alvin and the guards could wake up at any moment." And that they were. Alvin was starting to make twitching movements and the other guards were slowly trying to get themselves up. I hopped onto Toothless and held my arm out for her to join me on his back.

"No way!" she yelled out. "I am not riding that thing!"

"Then how are you going to get out of here!?"

"I'll take a longship." She answered. The only one there was ruined in the fight. One of the guards was pushed so hard by Toothless that he flew through the boat and fell into the sea. "No way am I riding a dragon, you can't make me!" I think she knew she was losing the argument, Alvin was starting to wake up, the only other ship was destroyed, and she would be stranded if she stalled any longer. "Fine!" She carefully got onto Toothless and we immediately launched into the sky. Camicazi clutched onto me for her dear life and I was pretty sure I was starting to lose breath.

"Can't. . . breathe" I struggled to get out. She widened her eyes and immediately let go of me, but that didn't stop her from having an iron grip on my shoulders. I turned around and saw that her eyes were now closed tightly and her entire body was shaking. It was strange to see how the crazy Camicazi who pulled pranks on so many people could be scared. She jumped off cliffs for fun and took on Alvin the Treacherous to save our lives, yet a dragon took all that fight away from her.

We were flying as fast as possible, and in a few hours we made it to the cave Toothless and I were in before. Night had already came and as I came off of Toothless, I held a hand out for Camicazi to help her off, but Toothless just knocked her off and she landed on top of me. We both blushed and I glared at Toothless who just waddled off and lit a plasma blast on the old pile of wood to create a fire. He curled up in a corner of the cave and watched Camicazi intently. She pushed herself off of me and moved into the cave, but sat as far away as Toothless as possible.

I came inside and saw Camicazi shifting her eyes all over the place, but they were mainly darting between Toothless and I, trying to figure out how we came to be. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair in exasperation. I was too tired to explain anything to her and we all needed rest after being captured by Alvin. I turned and looked at her and her steel blue eyes met my green ones, and the look in her eyes reminded me of the one I had back at Berk: anger.

"I promise to tell you everything, but tomorrow." I said.

She didn't say anything to me at all, she just turned around and closed her eyes and fell asleep. I felt a pang of anger across my chest. Was she going to write me off as insignificant as well? Was she going to judge me just like Berk did? I shook my head, trying to get rid of the dark thoughts that were plaguing my mind. I took my old blanket and draped it over her as she slept and I moved into Toothless' wings before the darkness covered me and lulled me into sleep.

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