Harvest Festival

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Poppy loved the Harvest Festival. It was a time where fruits and vegetables were ready for picking, and lasted for three days and nights. There was also music, art shows, games, a big cook-off, and when the sun set on the third day, there was a huge feast.

Satin and Chenille had put together an​ autumn-themed outfit just for this occasion. Poppy slipped the dress on and looked at herself in the mirror. It was in beautiful shades of brown and gold, and was decorated with tiny fake leaves. And there was plenty of room for her baby bump.

“Four more months," Poppy sighed as she rubbed her belly, the baby kicking softly. “Then you can see what a beautiful world you will grow up in. You're gonna love it."


“If I actually win this, maybe it's a good thing I'm starved," Willow said as she prepared herself for the pie-eating contest.

“That reminds me, shouldn't you talk to someone about that?" Cooper asked. Willow just shrugged.

“Guys, I'm here!" Poppy shouted as she made her way towards them. Once she made her way through the crowd, she took a seat next to Willow.

“You're competing this year, Willow?" Poppy asked the half-grey Troll.

“I get to eat something, and maybe I'll win a prize for it," she replied. “It doesn't get any better than this."

Satin and Chenille then tied Poppy and Willow's hands behind their backs, and DJ Suki and Guy Diamond placed pies in front of them.

“Mmm, Granny Smith apples," Poppy sighed.

“My grandma's name is Granny Smith," Willow pointed out. “Maybe I should have that one."

“Hey, stick with your own pie!" Poppy snapped.

“Okay," Willow squeaked.

“Now, the rules are simple," Biggie explained. “Don't use your hands, don't forget the crust, first one to clean the pan wins. Got it?"

“Hang on," Willow spoke up. “I have blueberry pie, and I read somewhere that blueberries​ are full of antioxidants. So, with all those antioxidants... won't I run out of oxidants?"

Everyone looked at her as if she had lobsters crawling out of her ears. Her lavender face flushed red and she lowered her head.

“Okay, then," Biggie said, clapping his hands together. “One, two, three, eat!"

At that moment, Poppy and Willow frantically stuffed their faces with pie.

“Come on, Poppy!" rooted almost everyone. “You can do it! Keep eating!"

In less than a minute, Poppy managed to clean the pan. Smidge hit the buzzer signaling that the contest was over.

“Poppy's the winner!" Biggie announced as the crowd went wild.

“Hey, no fair, she's eating for two!" Willow complained. But no one listened to her. Then again, anyone would look ridiculous with blueberry jam all over their face.


The following evening, the village held a dance. Many Trolls danced with their soulmates, those who shared a special bond with them.

This part always made Poppy feel uncomfortable. She usually danced with Creek, but somewhere inside her, it didn't feel right. Now, that feeling was stronger.

Poppy then noticed Branch watching from a distance, and she felt a sense of longing in her chest.

“Poppy?" Creek suddenly said. Poppy turned her head to face him.

“Oh. Hi, Creek," she muttered.

“You seem tense," Creek pointed out.

“I'm not tense," Poppy lied. “What are you talking about?"

Poppy turned her head back to find Branch gone.

“Poppy, you don't have to dance with me if you don't want to," Creek assured her.

“It's okay, I want to." A tiny lie, she thought.


Branch retreated from his hiding place and watched as everyone danced the night away. But not everyone seemed happy. Poppy looked uneasy as she was wrapped in Creek's arms. He tried to calm her, but it didn't seem to do much. Branch felt the urge to go down there and snatch her from Creek's embrace and envelope her in his, but he ignored such a feeling.

“Beautiful view, isn't it?"

Branch fell backwards as he heard an all too familiar voice out of nowhere.

“Branch, are you okay?" Willow asked. Branch's only response was a slap in the face.

“Okay, that whole thing's gotta stop," the teenager moaned as she laid her hand on her cheek.

“Willow, go away!" Branch barked.

“I may leave now," Willow claimed, “but be warned. For I shall retur..."


Willow scampered of without haste. Branch then saw a leaf in a bush turn pink and purple as Carla emerged. She approached Branch and gazed sympathetically at him.

“I love Poppy," he admitted. “I know it sounds crazy, but... she's just this amazing ball of energy that... makes me feel something I haven't felt in years."

Carla nodded.

“And... I love her so much."

I didn't really want Creek to be a jerk in this fanfic, because I don't like to believe that certain people are just born jerks. And I'm not entirely sure what he was like before the events of the film. I only know that he was a hippie.

And I just love this character, Willow. I want to write her her own spin-off, but I'm not sure if I have the time.

Part two will come soon. Until next time. ✌

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