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After six weeks, Poppy revisited Dr. Plum.

“Everything looks good so far, Poppy," the doctor said as she performed an ultrasound. “You've been doing a wonderful job taking care of it."

Poppy didn't respond. She just focused on the sonogram. It was hard to believe that this tiny, round thing inside her belly was a baby.

“First time mothers don't usually begin showing until twelve to eighteen weeks," Dr. Plum explained. “Around that time, I may be able to tell the baby's gender. Okay?"

“Yeah, sure," Poppy replied.


When Poppy returned​ home, she read the pregnancy guide.

“I only have a couple more months before I start showing, but the morning sickness should go away by then," she muttered to herself. “Maybe I should tell everyone... but I can't. But maybe it'll be okay. As long as I don't tell them it was Branch... What am I talking about? If I don't tell them who the father is, they'll keep asking me."

Poppy continued reading the book and decided to only focus on her baby. It probably would've helped if she payed more attention to her surroundings, though. Because when she wasn't paying attention...


The young princess jumped in surprise and saw Creek standing right behind her. The book landed right by his feet. Creek reached down to grab it, but Poppy beat him to it and hid it behind her back.

“You didn't see anything," she claimed. “Nothing happened."

But something did happen, and Creek knew it.

“Oh, Poppy," he sighed and wrapped his arms around the expectant mother. Poppy dropped the book and cried on Creek's shoulder.

“I feel like an idiot," she whimpered.

“Poppy, you're not an idiot," Creek assured her. “How could you say that?"

“Because I'm pregnant and the father hates me," Poppy replied.

“Why would anyone hate you? You're too perfect."

“He thinks I'm reckless, irresponsible, and I'll make a terrible queen," Poppy answered. “And after what I did with him, he may be right."

The Troll she described sounded familiar, but Creek asked anyway. “Who was it?"

Poppy felt that she said too much. But she trusted Creek, he was calm, gentle, and very peaceful. He deserved to know. So, Poppy took a deep breath and prepared herself. There was no turning back now.

Very quietly, barely inaudible, Poppy said the name.


Creek softly gasped and his eyes widened in disbelief. But he simply smiled and pushed Poppy's hair back.

“It's okay, Poppy," he assured her. “It's okay."

“It is?" Poppy sniffled. “I wish everyone else was as understanding as you. I'm​ sure they'd accept the baby, but if I told them Branch is the father..."

“It wouldn't be any different," Creek finished. “Poppy, you don't have to tell them it's Branch's if you don't want to. But even if you did, your child will still be loved and appreciated."

Poppy looked down at her stomach and sighed. “I'll tell them about the baby, but not about Branch."

“That's alright," said Creek. “But I feel the need to ask you... What exactly do you feel towards Branch?"

“I don't know," Poppy replied. “I want him as a friend, but he's so frustrating."

“Hmm," Creek muttered as Poppy left. “Maybe I should meditate on this."


Poppy stood atop a toadstool in the center of the village. Everyone was doing business as usual, and didn't notice her until she cleared her throat, making her presence known.

“Hello, everyone," she announced nervously. “You're all probably wondering what I'm doing up here. Well, uh..."

Poppy took a brief glance at Creek. He made a gesture and mouthed the word, “Breathe."

So, Poppy took a deep breath and continued. “A couple months ago, I... spent some time... with a Troll who... I really don't want to talk about. Anyway, about a month later, I began suffering from morning sickness and I ate Cooper's macaroons, which usually make me throw up..."

“Aww," Cooper sighed.

“... so I decided to visit a doctor, to see what was wrong. And... I'm having a baby."

There were soft gasps in the crowd.

“I know you're probably wondering who the father is, but he's someone I'd rather not talk about," Poppy concluded. “I have nothing left to say."

With that said, Poppy returned home without another word.


As soon as she made it home, Poppy changed into her pajamas and prepared herself for a good night's sleep. She looked down at her stomach and sang softly as she rubbed it.

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us

Nothing's gonna stop us...

Poppy was interrupted by someone knocking at her door, and she trembled at the sound.

“Please don't be Branch, please don't be Branch," she muttered to herself, and hesitantly answered the door. Fortunately, it wasn't Branch.


“Poppy, I know you must be scared right now," King Peppy began, “but I just wanted you to know that I am happy for you."

“Really?" Poppy asked in disbelief. “You're not disappointed?"

“Poppy, I would never be disappointed about this," he assured her. “I think you'd be a wonderful mother. You're​ a little young, yes, but you are amazing. And I'm happy to have you as a daughter, and as the mother of my grandchildren."

After giving his daughter a gentle kiss on the forehead, King Peppy left her to get some rest.

After being left alone, Poppy went to bed and dreamed about her mother. It was a sad, beautiful dream that she wouldn't remember.

Poor Cooper.

Actually, Anna Kendrick was cast in Pitch Perfect because of her Oscar nominated performance in Up In The Air. My mistake.

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