Making It Work

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While everyone else in Troll Village slept, Branch met Poppy at her house in private. He decided he should be part of his daughter's life, and Poppy would show him how to take care of a baby.

“How should we do this?" Branch asked.

“Do what?"

“Well, we can't spend all our time together," he explained. “But we need to figure out a way to... How do I put it?... share our baby."

Poppy understood.

“How about you spend every other weekend with her?" Poppy suggested. “Hopefully, it won't be hard. I mean, all my friends are going to be all over her. But don't you think that could work?"

“I got a better idea," Branch replied. “I will take care of her the third weekend of every month, and whenever you're throwing your crazy parties. At least until she's old enough to decide whether or not to go to them."

“Aww, do I have to?" Poppy whined.

“You realize that babies are really sensitive, don't you?" the grey Troll said. “Older kids may have fun, but a little baby might be terrified."

Poppy thought about this for a moment before saying, “You're probably right."

“Then it's settled," Branch decided. “Of course, if she's smart enough, she won't go to any of your parties."

“What's that supposed to mean?" Poppy asked.

“Well, you know with your crazy parties, the Bergens could us," he said. “I just want our daughter to be safe."

“Branch, it's been almost twenty years," Poppy assured him. “The Bergens are not going to find us."

“You don't know that," Branch argued. “And I most certainly don't want our child to get eaten."

Poppy sighed. “I just want our little girl to be happy. And maybe she'll make you happy, too."

“I don't do happy," Branch retorted. Then Poppy got annoyed. “Well, I hope our baby's not like you, then."

Branch felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest and someone squeezed the blood out of it.

“I think I should go," he muttered.

“Branch, wait," Poppy said. “It didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just... Wait!"

But it was too late. Branch had already left. Poppy sat back down and sobbed.


Poppy woke up to find herself lying on her couch and her head on someone's lap. Her head hurt terribly, so she didn't bother to look up and see who it was. But he was singing softly, and the voice was easy to recognize.

“Morning, Creek," she muttered.

“Good morning, Poppy," he replied. “How you feeling?"

“Okay, I guess..." Poppy shrugged. “Why do you ask?"

“I sensed a depressed aura," he replied. “Would you like to talk about it?"

Poppy sighed and told Creek everything.

“I shouldn't have said it," Poppy admitted. “I don't know if it was hormones or not, but I shouldn't have said it."

“You know, it's not too late to apologize to him," Creek pointed out.

“He's not going to want to see me anymore," Poppy said sadly.

“You should at least try to talk to him," Creek said. “It might do both your hearts good. You know, mend your bond."

Poppy's​ eyes widened and she sat up.

“What do you mean?" she asked.

“Well, I can tell you have some sort of feelings for him," Creek explained. “After all, he's the father of your child."

“Creek, what happened between me and Branch was a one-time​ thing," Poppy assured him, but she wasn't quite sure herself.


Nevertheless, Poppy decided to apologize to Branch. She knocked on a rock that lied against a bigger rock, and waited for him to answer.

“Branch?" she called out. “Are you home? Branch, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I don't care if our daughter ends up like you, I'd love her either way. And I'd love you... to be the father she deserves."

Poppy wasn't sure why she almost told Branch she loved him. That wasn't true in the slightest.

Was it?

Poppy suddenly heard a door opening and closing, but it wasn't the one in front of her. Then she heard a familiar voice.


The Troll princess turned around to see Branch standing right behind her. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was coming.

“I'm sorry, too," Branch softly said. “I offended you, and I hurt your feelings. Can you forgive me?"

Poppy gave him a small smile.

“Sure, why not?" she replied.

“And, uh... our agreement?"

“Branch, she's your daughter, too," Poppy pointed out. “I will teach you how to take care of her, and you will make a great father. Grey or... whatever colors you used to be."

Come on, Branch's mind shouted. Tell her you love her! But the only words that came out were, “Thanks, Poppy."

Sorry if this is going slowly. I'm constantly distracted and often forget what I'm thinking about.

Until next time. ✌

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