Big [Accidental] Reveal

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Now that she came out about her pregnancy to everyone, Poppy began to feel better. No one asked her who the father was, and she received more than enough support. King Peppy was thrilled to be a grandpa, and Poppy's friends were excited to have a new addition to their group, the Snack Pack.

It also gave Satin and Chenille plenty of opportunities to make new clothes for Poppy and the baby. One morning, the fashion twins gave her a dozen maternity gowns.

“This is really nice of you guys," Poppy admitted, “but I barely just started showing."

“Yeah, you do have the cutest little baby bump," Satin cooed. It was hardly visible, but it was adorable.

“But in no time at all, that tiny bump is going to get bigger," Chenille added. “Which is why we came prepared! Except we didn't make any baby clothes​, because we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet."

“Thanks," Poppy giggled. “And I'll tell you what. I'm supposed to find out the baby's gender today. How about I give you the paperwork that says what it is, and you guys find a way to surprise me?"

“Love it!" the twins shouted at once.

After her visit with the doctor, Poppy met back up with Satin and Chenille. She gave them the papers and let them handle it.

“What's it say?! What's it say?!" Chenille squealed as Satin read the paper.

“It's a girl!" Satin replied excitedly.

“Yes!" Chenille shrieked.

“Knock it off, you two!" an all too familiar voice yelled. “Just your screaming alone can be as dangerous as one of Poppy's stupid parties."

The twins gasped, tackled Branch, and kissed his cheeks.

“Thank you, Branch!" said Satin.

“You just gave us the greatest idea!" Chenille finished.

As the fashion twins ran off, Branch sat back up, having no clue what they were talking about.


At Biggie's house, the entire Snack Pack heard Satin and Chenille's plan.

“A baby shower?" Cooper asked.

“I think it's a wonderful idea," Guy Diamond said. “Poppy's always throwing parties, we should throw one for her."

“That would be nice," Biggie agreed. “But we've never planned a party before."

“Let's just do what Poppy would," DJ Suki suggested. “I'll take care of the music, Biggie and Smidge can be in charge of the food, I know someone who can provide decorations, and we could even invite​ Branch, like Poppy always does for the parties she throws."

Creek's eyes widened, but he said nothing.

“I don't know," Cooper argued. “He always turns her invitations down. Why would this time be any different?"

“Good point, Cooper," DJ Suki agreed. “But it's​ worth a shot."


A week later, Cooper, Smidge, Satin, Chenille, Biggie, and Creek made their way towards Branch's bunker with a handmade invitation like the ones Poppy made for him over the years.

“I don't think we should be doing this," Creek said. He knew Branch was the father, but Poppy may not be ready to tell him that. “Maybe we should ask Poppy first?"

“If we asked Poppy if we could invite Branch to her baby shower, then we would ruin the surprise," Biggie pointed out.

“And just think about Poppy's reaction if he actually did come!" Cooper said. “She'd love us!"

“Who'd love you for what?" Branch asked as he approached them.

“Branch!" Satin gasped.

“We have something for you!" Chenille said, holding a piece of paper. Branch took the invitation and took a good look at it. All the glitter was on the outside and fell to his feet. It read, “It's A Girl!" and was in various shades of pink.

“I'm guessing you all made this yourselves?" he asked them.

“Apparently," Smidge replied, slightly embarrassed.

“I see what's going on here," Branch said, scowling. “Poppy thought I would attend someone's party if she didn't invite me personally. Well, tell her I said, ‘Nice try, but I'm still not going to any of your death traps you call parties. You're​ just putting everyone, including your friend's new baby, at risk.'"

“I didn't know Poppy was friends with herself," Cooper blurted out.


“Oh, dear," Creek muttered.

“Well, Poppy's having a baby," Satin explained, “and we decided to throw a baby shower for her. It's three weeks from today, and we were hoping you could come."

“What do you say, Branch?" Chenille asked.

Branch was silent. His heart grew still, and his brain went numb.

“Um, friends?" Creek spoke up. “I think Branch needs a moment alone."

While everyone else followed Creek, Cooper stayed behind and looked at Branch.

“I'll take that as a maybe!"

With that, Cooper left behind the grey Troll, who was still in shock.

Well... this is awkward. 😐

I'm probably not going to update for a while. Internet problems, you know?

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