Chapter 1: The Plan

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 Another warning: Light swearing, spoilers, mentions of past episodes, headcanons. And also, Oswald hasn't gained that much weight for some reason idk (Could be part of the headcanons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ) And I suck at writing, so forgive me because I feel like things happened too quickly and aHHhHhHhHH

A/N I keep screwing up this chapter, so deal with it! And I also start calling them Ed and Oswald eventually cause I'm too lazy to call them Penguin and Riddler.


"The plan to take down Batsy is easy. Pengy and Riddles will-"

"No, I won't!"

6 of Gotham's most wanted villains: The Riddler, Joker, Catwoman, The Penguin, Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy stood around a table in the Joker's lair.

"You expect me to work with him?!" Riddler yelled, pointing a finger at the smaller man across the table accusingly. The Riddler was a tall man- standing at around 6'1 or 2- with light brown hair that stuck out slightly from beneath his Emerald green bowler hat. The hat matched the same shade as his suit, except for his tie which was a nice violet colour that blended perfectly with the rest. He had deep brown eyes that were hidden behind a- also purple- mask. Propped up against the table was his golden, question mark staff.

"Well, y--"

"NO! I would rather die than work with him!" This time, it was Penguin who had interrupted. Penguin was a short man- around 5'7- with jet black hair that stuck up in odd directions. He had ice blue eyes, one being covered by a monocle of course. He was wearing a black suit and white undershirt, the only colourful thing in his clothes being his purple bowtie. He also slightly reeked of smoke and alcohol, the smoke was most likely from the cigarette holder in his hand. Beside him was the black umbrella he used as a cane for his leg. (And also a weapon sometimes.)

"I can make that happen" The Riddler growled and held onto his staff. The others watched intensely and Ivy sighed and just shook her head. Could those two go one day without fighting?

"Oh, shut up, Ed!"

"It. Is. The. Riddler!" The other screamed, slamming his hands on the table.

"How about both of you shut up and we listen to the plan?!" The tall red-head screamed at them.

"FINE! Explain the plan then, girl!" Riddler snarled.

There was silence, except for the sound of heavy breathing and Oswald occasionally muttering insults under his breath.

"Okay..." Ivy took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "The plan is simple. Pengy and Riddles will break into the old Gotham Museum-" She looked at Riddler and Penguin threateningly. "Then they will lure Bats into one of the rooms, but hide behind the pillars. Then when Bats is searching, Cat will distract him just long enough for Pengy and Riddles to escape. While he is distracted, Jokey will come up behind him and knock him unconscious-" She was then interrupted again by Joker giggling insanely and clapping his hands together.

"Goodie!" He laughed and smiled. Ivy gave him a look and continued.

"Then we'll kidnap him and bring him here, lock him away, kill his little Robin friend and then Freeze can turn the little bat into a batsicle!" Ivy giggled and grinned proudly.

"F... Freeze him, you say?" Riddler said quietly, Penguin smirked at his expression. Ivy looked at the ground... Oh yeah.

"Yes, Riddles, that's what I said" She crossed her arms across her chest.

"It's Riddler." He hissed.

"Whatever. Now, do you have a problem with freezing him?"

"Yes! It won't kill him, if you were aiming for that"

"What do you mean?"

"It will only put him into something like sleeping and shut down all thinking, but he won't die"

"How do you know?" Joker piped up.


"He's had experience" Oswald blurted out.

"Oh really?" Joker raised an eyebrow and laughed. Riddler's face went red as he glared at Penguin.

"Shut up, Oswald, now is not the time!" He snarled and looked at Ivy. "What's your plan to escape, exactly, without getting caught by the GCPD or some stupid passerby?"

"Oh, just leave that to me" Ivy smiled.

"Very well then" Ed raised an eyebrow but decided not to  question her. He turned around and sat in a chair. There was more awkward silence except  for the occasional clicking from Freeze's suit.

"What time is it?" Oswald tilted his head to the side, grabbing the umbrella and waddling over to the side of the room.

"9:00, why?" Freeze looked up.

"What?!" He gave a fake cough. "I-I mean-- No reason!" Oswald smiled nervously.

"He's going to go cry to his mommy cause the scary Batman is gonna catch him" Ed murmured. Oswald came to a complete stop in front of the door with is hand hovering over the doorknob.

Ivy looked up.

"I'll make sure your coffin is covered with a green cloth" She said. Oswald snapped his head back and stared at Ed, his ice blue eyes meeting with Ed's brown ones.

"You... Son... Of a... BIT--" Oswald cut himself off by leaping at Ed and toppling into him, letting out screams of swears and trying to hit the man. Ed let out a yelp and fell off the chair, slamming his back onto the ground.

Ed tried blocking any of hits and tried fighting back, he couldn't exactly reach his staff so he just kicked the smaller man in the gut. Oswald fell back and growled as he grabbed his umbrella and aimed it at Ed. Ed stopped and stared directly at the end of the umbrella which he knew a gun was hidden inside of.

Oswald twitched slightly as he examined what he had done to Ed. His nose was bleeding already and the deep crimson liquid trickled down his head, his mask hung loosely around his neck and his around one eye was a bit purple. Oswald felt his own hand and pulled his hand away to reveal blood. He growled and used the wall as support to stand. Ed also stood and stared down at the child-like man still holding the umbrella at him.

At last, Catwoman stepped in.

"Okay, you two, that's enough" She took a few steps towards them, smirking a bit as Oswald stepped back. "We need you both alive for our plans tomorrow"

"What, so you can woo Batman? Because really, Cat, we all know you've got a childish crush on him" Ed chuckled.

She raised her hands and slapped Ed across the face, leaving 3 deep claw marks. Ed stumbled back.

"Do not ever call me Cat. Only my friends can call me that, Edward" she said bitterly. Ed growled and cupped a hand over his cheek.

"Okay, you three, that's enough! Now go rest up, we need to get ready for tomorrow." Ivy glared at all three of them and turned on her heel.

Oswald stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth, he laughed at Ed and limped off to a room with an umbrella on the front.

Catwoman hissed at Ed and also headed towards her room which had the face of a cat carved into it.

Joker just sat there, giggling every so often as he thought about killing Batman. Just the thought of ripping off his mask, and maybe even cutting his face off, would make him feel jittery inside.

Freeze sighed and stood up. All of these people were children, he rolled his icy eyes and walked into his freezer-like room.

Ed watched as everyone left and walked past the table, glaring at Joker and walking through the door marked with a question mark.

Oswald had completely forgotten he was supposed to leave lilies on his mother's grave. So maybe tomorrow he could bring 2 bouquets?

Everyone got ready for bed, for they had a big day ahead of them.

~ End of Chapter 1 ~

An Unforgotten Love: A Nygmobblepot FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora