Chapter 7 Home sweet Home......

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3rd POV
When Gabby's plane landed, She headed out to baggage claim to see her dad, and younger brother, Zen waiting for her with a sign that read, 'here for my lovey daughter/sister' she quickly spotted her bag, grabbed it and ran up to her dad, giving him a huge hug! "Dad!  I thought mom was picking me up?" Gabby asked as her father looked at her with a sigh "well, she had to work, again" he replied annoyed since this happened allot. She would always be to busy to work and never take care of different priorities but her own, but I couldn't blame her, she was only doing her job.
"Well, anyway, I'm glad I get to see ya, how's my truck?!?" Gabby asked excitedly as they walked out of the terminal and went to her dads truck, Bruce. It was parked right outside the entrance. Her dad chuckled "He's fine, he's waiting for you at the shop. We have to do a few adjustments, and put on your new numbers for nationals. But enough about that, how was your trip?" Said and replied her dad, Kenny. They all loaded into the car as Gabby continued to talk. "Well, Yai is doing great! I met some people, the torettos, they treated me like family there, also I bought them tickets so they can see me race. I can't wait for you guys to meet them, there's this guy named Dom, helped me from Tran, the guys who killed our grandfathers. He shot me in the arm but Dom helped me get home and get fixed." I said as my dad looked at me wides eyed at the stop light "so you like this Dom guy?" Gabby's brother Zen teased her. "Zen!!" Gabby exclaimed childishly, while blushing "now now, come on! We got work to do" said Kenny as they parked at the shop and went straight to the car shop inside.
(Back in LA)
Dom's POV
As soon as I told the crew we're going to see gabby in Texas they have been very excited! We finally get to see her version of racing. 
A few days before we had to leave to our flight, I told Gabby that were coming, she also said that she can make arrangements to where we can all stay at shared hotel near by where she normally races.
A couple days later, we were all on the flight to Texas. The flight was nice but this blonde chick next me kept staring, she tried to wink and flirt with me, it was really odd. But, I didn't care. I'm just glad that I get to see gabby again. When she left I missed her badly, even worse than Letty when she left our crew for another guy in Rio. I have a good feeling that something good is going to happen but a bad feeling that another is going to be bad.....

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