Please, just let me explain

Start from the beginning


Derek flipped through a magazine mindlessly. He was sick with jealousy cause Stiles had left with Dominic about thirty minutes ago to spend some alone time together.

"Since when do you read 'Home and Garden'?" Isaac raised a brow as he walked into the room.

"Huh?" Derek frowned looking at Isaac as he continued to flip the pages without looking at them.

"Just tell Stiles how you feel." Isaac sighed.

"What? No. He doesn't feel the same way and he really likes Dominic." Derek grumbled.

"Yeah, he used to really like me but that changed." Theo shrugged.

"He doesn't feel the same way, you guys have heard his heart beat. You know his scent around me." Derek huffed.

Isaac, Scott and Theo all looked down.
They knew Derek was right.

"So can we drop it please?" Derek snapped.

"Derek!" Stiles' voice caught Derek's attention.

"Stiles." Derek said worriedly.

" Derek said worriedly

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"What?" Theo frowned.

"He's in trouble." Within seconds Derek was out the door with the other three werewolves on his tail.

"You want to save your little boyfriend, you have to let me go." Ashley sneered.

"Not gonna happen." Stiles snapped, his eyes welling a bit.

"You can't hold me here forever and you can't kill me cause he'll die." Ashley snapped. "And it doesn't look like you're precious alpha is coming."

"Stil-" Dominic struggled to say anything.

"It's okay, Derek will be here. I won't let you die, okay? But you have to hold on for me." A tear slid down Stiles' cheek.


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"Stiles." Derek's voice never sounded sweeter. Stiles felt relief flood him as the pack came into view.

"I have to heal him." Stiles cried as Derek hurried to Stiles' side.

"Let her go." Derek nodded.

Stiles immediately dropped the log. Scott, Isaac and Theo went after her.

"Dom, I have to pull you off the branch, okay? It's gonna hurt but you have to trust me." Stiles wrapped his arms around Dominic and pulled. Dominic let out a pained yell as he fell into Stiles' arms.

"I've got you." Stiles guided Dominic to the ground. He grabbed his boyfriends hand and closed his eyes.
Stiles' lungs felt like they were going to explode. His chest starred to burn. The pain spread so rapidly, Stiles fought to keep consciousness.

"Stiles." Derek knelt by his emissary. Stiles slumped against his chest. 

"Der." Stiles whispered as his hands fell from Dominic's.

"I'm here, Stiles." Derek wiped sweat from Derek's brow.

"Stiles." Scott ran over upon seeing Stiles half unconcious in Derek's lap.

"He's okay, just weak." Derek assured the worried werewolves.

The succubus laid dead about ten feet away.

"Is Dom okay?" Stiles asked pushing himself away from Derek.

"Yeah, he's fine." Derek nodded at the unconcious human.

As if on cue Dominic stirred awake.

Once the events caught up with him, he scrambled to his feet.

"You." He looked at Stiles with disbelief.

"Dom, wait." Stiles pulled himself to his feet with the help of Derek. "Please, just let me explain."

"What are you? I was hurt...what did you do?" Dominic backed away from Stiles.

"Dom, calm down and we can talk about this." Stiles took a step towards Dominic.

"Don't come near me." Dominic snapped.

"Please, just let me explain." Stiles begged.

"No, stay away from me." Dominic turned an bolted through the woods.

"Dominic!" Stiles yelled after him knowing he didn't have the strength to chase after him.

"Take Stiles home, I'll deal with him." Derek ordered Scott.

"Derek, be nice." Stiles begged.

"I'll be back shortly." Derek almost leaned in to press a kiss to Stiles' head but caught himself.

Stiles nodded as he watched Derek take off after Dominic.

Another update! Hope you liked it!

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