Brotherly Hatred

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Tara stood in Hatch's doorway, about to tell him the good news about the turnings. X had almost excepted her dark side, which she had helped with, and Cela wasn't too far behind. Although Michael was still hanging in there, by a thread but that's expected.  

  When Hatch acknowledged her presence Tara stepped into the room and sat in a  red chair facing his desk.

  "Anything new about the turnings?" asked Hatch facing Tara

  "Yes sir," she replied. "X is slowly but surely losing it. Just yesterday she-" Hatch cut her off.

  "I know all about what happened. How's Michael doing?"

  "Well sir he's not turning as fast as we would hope what with the 'trip' coming up soon on the Vola, but I'll make sure he turns by then. Maybe we just need more sessions?" wondered Tara hoping Hatch wouldn't become mad at her.

  "Hmm I don't think that will work of very long...what state is he in?" asked Hatch leaning in closer.

  "Well here and there he might inexplicably start crying, but it's only after our sessions are over and Tessa and I have left the room. So he still has some of his pride left," replied Tara feeling ashamed that she hadn't completed her task.

  "We'll have to fix that," said Hatch deep in thought. "Any ideas?"

  Tara sighed. "We've tried everything except the process that you put the rogue soldiers in the Peruvian facility, but that could destroy his sanity entirely."

  "It must be done," Hatch leaned into his private intercom. "Send Michael to Level E."  

  "But sir what if he doesn't turn by then it's only three days until..."

  "Three days will be enough."

  (Cela's POV)

  I walk aimlessly around the facility, trying to find something to do...or someone to annoy.

  After X and I had that fight...if you could call it that...I haven't really had someone to talk to. Nichelle was on punishment and Zeus was avoiding me or was just busy. Probably the second one.  

  I've tried to think of other things such as: How long have I been here? I wonder if my family is worried about real family.

  Although these aren't the best questions to be asking myself I couldn't and wouldn't stop thinking about those things even if there not my number one priority. What is my number one priority...figuring out what's going on with X. Even if she tries to strangle me...again I'll still be friends with her. Is that sad or devoted? Probably the first one.

  (??? POV)

  I get off the private jet Hatch sent for me to fly me from Rome to California. I had always wanted to come here, the beaches, the sun, and shops, but I had business to attend to here. For the last few months I had been running the facility in Rome.

  I've never really wanted to be part of the Elgen, but it's not like I had much of a choice considering Hatch was the most ruthless dude on the planet. Although that's true because of my knowledge of electricity Hatch didn't erase my memory when he 'changed' me.

  "Sir shall I take your bags to your room?" asked an attendant that had accompanied me on the plane.

  "Yes, thank you," I said and walked toward the entrance where two guards were waiting.

Michael Vey Secrets of the Elgen (Book One) (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now