Ice (Scream!)

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"I never have..."

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"Uh, yah..."

"Stand the fuck up, we're leaving."

Gerard stood up along with Frank as he felt sort of threatened by Frank in a joking way. "Where are we going?" Gerard asked as Frank started digging through his sock drawer for dollar bills. 

"Obviously the ice cream place down the street, I can't believe you've never had ice cream before." Frank explained as he grabbed Gerard's arm and dragged him downstairs. 

Frank was walking next to Gerard who always seemed so nervous and fragile, it was kind of adorable but in no homosexaul way at all. Frank looked away before he saw Gerard peak a glance at him. 

"I can't believe we're getting ice cream, what about the project?" Gerard half whined, because anything was better than that stupid project, but he also didn't want to slack off.

"This is more important, trust me, I-I don't even understand, never having ice cream should be illegal." Frank said in a very convincing tone, making Gerard laugh out.

"You seem to have a very strong opinion about the subject of frozen dairy projects." Gerard laughed out, rubbing the back of his neck with a smirk on his face.

Frank was sort of surprised at the wordiness of Gerard's sentence, he usually spoke in broken sentences, and stuttered all the time. He was glad the quiet boy was starting to come out of his shell. "I do indeed Gerard." Frank smiled before folding the crumpled up money he had shoved in his pocket.

The two bought the icecreams at the old run down place, but no matter how crappy the place looked, and no matter how many sanitary issues they had in the past, it was still the best damn ice cream ever. The two were sitting at just a crappy table as the place itself, outside with a light breeze every once in awhile. 

"Okay Gerard, this is the best ice cream place I have ever been to in the seventeen years that I have been on this planet." Frank explained, giving a gesture to the area.

"Seems like you eat ice cream here religiously." Gerard joked out, going to pick up his spoon when Frank hollered suddenly. 

"Wait! I need my camera, this needs to be documented, 'high school boy eats ice cream.'" Frank exclaimed pulling his phone out of his pocket, and holding the camera in front of Gerard who was completely amused.

He grabbed the spoon and slowly brought it to his mouth looking at the camera, the two were both trying not to burst into laughter which Gerard failed at. 

Frank snapped the picture and felt accomplished with life. "What do you think, do you feel like a new person or something?" Frank asked trying his own ice cream. 

Gerard blinked a few times, the sweetness lingering on his tongue. "Yah, I think so." Gerard said as he took another bite, his mother avoided buying sweets since Gerard was a bit chubby when he was younger. 

"I'm glad you like it, my treat." Frank smirked. When Frank smiled it ranged from this sexy smirk, to an adorable one, and Gerard didn't understand how one person was capable of both.

Gerard looked up, his eyes droopy. "Thank you." Gerard smiled, but was soon met with a gummy bear to the face that fell in his hair. 

"Haha! Bulls eye!" Frank chuckled out hiding behind the table and sling-shotting gummy bears at Gerard, who was trying to take cover from the sudden attack. 

"Oh you're on buddy." Gerard said before gathering the gummy bears off his ice cream.

"Gerard, you can't beat me, I've been training my entire life for this." Frank said across the table, Gerard dodging the incoming attacks. 

"What do you think me and my brother do in our free time?" Gerard asked, Frank leaving his hiding spot for a very knowledgeable reason. 

"It's brother and I not-"

"Haha! Gotcha!" Gerard exclaimed as a gummy bear hit Frank right in the forehead, the impact of it causing Frank to collapse dramatically. 

Apparently Frank felt very strongly about ice cream and grammar mistakes. Gerard was smiling in victory, but a loud voice interrupted any thoughts.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!"

The two looked over to see a large man who Gerard thought to be some sort of security guard or something.  "Oh shit, run!" Frank whisper yelled at Gerard, and the two didn't think twice before running as fast as they could. 

They stopped in a secluded area after they lost sight of the security dude who most likely couldn't catch up to them anyways. 

"Dude we were throwing gummy bears, was that really necessary?" Gerard asked, he was pretending to be out of breath because he didn't want to feel left out. Running was sort of his thing, a plus to the curse. 

"That guy hates my guts, tried to get me arrested for forgetting to throw my spoon away." Frank breathed out, finally able to catch his breath. 

"What, why?" Gerard asked, laughing a little at that guy's stupidity.

"My mom rejected him during high school, so yah-" Frank trailed off, thinking Gerard could figure out the rest. 

"That's so stupid." Gerard said looking up to meet Frank's eyes. It was weird, Gerard didn't think he was capable of holding eye contact for that long. 

Frank was feeling similar, not knowing what had gotten into him suddenly. 

"There you are!" 

The gaze was broken suddenly by the same voice, and Frank didn't think twice before running the hell away.

"Shit I thought we lost him." Gerard swore out, as they were pretty far from the security guy. The two found a good hiding spot in this bush, and they stayed quiet watching the oblivious guy look around. 

"I've never heard you swear before." Frank whispered as they watched the security guard walk out of sight. 

Gerard felt himself blush as they both stood up. "Oh sorry, eh whatever." Gerard gave up as he noticed that Frank was actually laughing at him not with. "Fuck you." Gerard said, biting on the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

"Awh that's adorable." Frank found himself teasing the taller boy, not noticing how close he had gotten to Gerard. His eyes were so big and green that Frank felt himself get lost in them, some sort of weird feeling washing over him. 

It was weird and tingly and Frank felt his hand move to rest on Gerard's cheek before pulling his face and connecting their lips. He had no idea why he was doing this, it just happend and Frank felt his lips move along with Gerard's

Gerard was so confused his eyes stayed open for a few second before they fell closed, and he fell into the kiss. 

Cherry Red ~//Frerard//~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora