The Visitor

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Justice League Watchtower

Green Arrow slumped over the monitor. "Ugh... Monitor duty is so boring!"

The scarlet speedster sitting right next to him in a similar state. "Come on. Someone. Anyone. Try to make a doomsday machine. Anything. I'll even take stealing candy from a baby."

"Just two more hours and I can finally go on my date with Felicity."

"How long have you been with her again?"

"A little more than a year. She was the one who helped me launch the whole Green Arrow gig. She's been with me the whole way."

"That's so sweet. I still have to buy a gift for my anniversary with Iris. I was supposed to get it yesterday, but Mirror Master ruined my outing." Flash put a hand to his chin. "Is there something specific for a five year anniversary?"

"Not that I know of... Now that I think about it, what was that huge ruckus on the other side of the state back in Central at the time?"

"What do you mean?" Flash wasn't aware anything happened. "I heard there was something but it was taken care of. At least, that's what the police chief told me."

"Hold on. Let me Google it real quick." After a few clicks and keystrokes, he found what he was looking for. "Check this out."

Flash checked the screen to see his old villain Sabretooth fighting Fire and Ice. They were on the League's charter for potential members, but they said that they weren't ready for the League commitment yet. "I'm glad to see that they were able to hold the fort down while I was gone."

"That's not the part I was referring to keep watching."

Flash watched as Fire and Ice were on the edge of defeat. "Oh, God. Are they okay?" Instead of a reply, he heard a roar off screen. The video continued and the two men watched the Tiger wrestler intervene. With assistance from the two women, Sabretooth was taken down. The reporters ran up to the trio loaded with questions.

Flash and Green Arrow rolled their eyes at the inappropriate questions asked of Fire and Ice. They were more interested in the newcomer's answer.

The Tiger Man grunted. "My name is Rath, and I'm a hero! That's all you need to know for now! No, I'm not part of the League. I'm more of a freelancer at the moment and kinda sorta for me on the last one! Now if you all don't mind, we are going to have a private chat." Ice was scooped up by him into a bridal carry, causing her to redden in embarrassment, and Rath motioned Fire to follow.

"He's a loud one that's for sure," noted Arrow.

"I'm glad to hear that he's on our side."

"What do you think about him being in Central?"

"Since I've been with the league a lot, it's good to see that the city is still in good hands while I'm gone."

"What do you think of the guy in general?"

"He seems alright. A bit rough for my taste, but it looks like the girls are keeping him company." Flash nudged Arrow on the shoulder.

He simply chuckled "Yeah, from the looks of it, they are having fun with their new toy. Anyways, do you think we should tell the others about the new guy?"

Flash shrugged. "Meh, he was on the news. I'm pretty sure that they already know."

"I wonder what he's doing right now being a Tiger Wrestler thing."

Flash smirked. "Maybe he's auditioning for the next season of WWE?"

Meanwhile In Central City

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