Four-Way Start

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Star Labs, Reception Room

July 10, 05:45 CDT

As a speedster, patience was an extreme virtue, and Flash was currently pressed for more. He pinched the bridge of his nose in front of three nervous teens. "I'm sorry. Can you please explain this?" He gestured to the TV.

A woman with green eyes and long red hair took on a serious expression. "This is Iris West-Allen with GBS giving you breaking news. Central City had a rude awakening with the destruction of the Farano Enterprise Complex. While we haven't received reports from officials, eyewitnesses say they saw numerous masked men fleeing the complex before the blast. Some are suggesting the cause to be terrorists, but this is still just speculation. We'll keep you updated as more information comes."

Wally shrugged his arms. "Technically, they aren't wrong."

"Yeah. Depending on your definition, The League of Shadows can be called a terrorist organization," added Robin.

"That's not the point I was getting at," Flash replied dryly. "Why were you guys there?" The teens looked away from him in silence. Flash sighed and turned to the other adult in the room. "Care to add anything?"

Ark shrugged. "They wanted the mission, so they'll handle everything that comes with it. This includes the fallout. I just made sure none of us died."

"That's good, but not what I'm looking for." Flash took a breath and turned back to the teens. "Well?"

Kid Flash cracked. "Please don't tell the rest of the League. They'll never trust us again."

"We just got our chance to prove ourselves, and we might have jumped the gun a bit," admitted Robin.

Flash replied dryly. "A bit?"

"Unfortunately, the threat was more than we initially anticipated. Nevertheless, we completed the mission," concluded Kaldur.

Barry groaned and caved. "Fine. I'm not going to rat you guys out."

Wally's eyes widened with hope. "Really?"

Flash narrowed his eyes. "I can't do anything about Robin and Aqualad, but you bet your butt that your parents will be hearing about this."

Much to Kid Flash's chagrin, a wave of relief washed over Robin. "Oh, thank god."

Flash crossed his arms. "Yeah. I stuck my neck out for you guys at the meeting, and I'll be damned before I get another. I told you so."

Ark chuckled. "Ah, pettiness. The best motivator."

The Scarlet speedster shook his head in annoyance. "Just start from the beginning."

Central City

July 9, 21:54 CDT

About a hundred meters north of the Mondera Industries, a certain Boy Wonder monitored his wrist computer, surveying his surroundings. "Motion sensors still haven't picked up anything out of the ordinary."

To the South, a disguised redhead lay on a piece of cardboard in an alleyway. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but can the bad guys please show up now. It reeks here."

To the West, the Kaldur sat on a park bench reading a newspaper. "Patience, Kid Flash. We all have a part to play."

To the East, Ark tapped away on his laptop, doing his own surveillance. "Yeah, Kid. It was your idea to draw straws, and you lost."

The speedster rolled his eyes. "I am aware of that... Couldn't I have gotten a better disguise or location? Why must I play the homeless guy in a dingy alleyway?"

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