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Things were starting look up. He's been helping me get through it, I loved him for that. I was holding up the world, and when it's got too heavy for me, he took it off my shoulders.

Awhile back I remember he had been struggling coming to terms about who he loved. He had only been with women all his life, but around that time he started noticing men in ways he's never really thought about before. He felt ashamed by it and refused to make videos with the guys. He was afraid that if one of them even touched him that the world would try to put him in a box and slap a label on it.

I recall making him sit down, and i remember he refused to look at me. I begged him to tell me what's wrong.

'I hate seeing my best friend upset' was the first thing I said to him. 'What ever it is, no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you.'

I begged him and begged him till he finally was able to look at me and he said, 'I think I'm Bisexual.'

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