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( Yoongi P.O.V. )

I was walking around camp making sure everything was in check since I've been gone for a few days. As I was walking around I noticed the overly cheerful idiot named taehyung hoping toward me. I gave him a simple task earlier to go check on the silver haired boy with dark browned eyes named so called Jimin. " did you complete your task on checking on the human V? "
" yes hyung~"
" good now for the real question you didn't do or say anything unnecessary did you?" I asked slightly concerned.

I sighed knowing he probably would " V what the hell did you say " looking at him very frustrated.
Just as he was going to answer my questions one of the guards ran towards me " sir! SIR! " the guard continued to yell running towards me.
" what is it "
" the-the prisoner has escaped..."
"...what?.." I said with disbelief " repeat what you said so i can hear you clearly ".
" the prisoner escaped " the guard then nervously replied.
" is that so " I said turning my head to  taehyung. " V what unnecessary shit did you say answer me now "

" I was kinda joking around with him but I guess he took it seriously " he turned his head to the side " so what the hell did you tell him !"
He looked up at me and said " I told him that you have no use for him and you were going to kill him.."
I faced palmed at the youngers stupidity " god damn it V "
He looked at me with a fake smile only making his situation worse, I then looked over at the guard who looked scared shit less. " how did no one see him?! Or even sniff him out he smells so Fucking human and no one notices I just.." I sighed to myself in frustration.

" sir he couldn't have gone far will go out and search for him " the guard said trying to comfort me " that won't be necessary I'll find him myself I know his scent better anyways since I was next to him longer to even recognize it "
" but si-" I cut guard off right as he was about to speak " I'm already frustrated enough just listen to my orders, you and V go on wall for any signs of the prisoner and tell the rest of the guards up there while your at it.
" yes sir " V and the guard said at the same time. " also if you find him you make sure to let me know first " they both nodded and walked away.

( Jimin P.O.V. )

I don't know how Long how I was out but it was long enough to the point where the sun was already setting. I groan in pain as I rub my head " owww I can feel a bump on my head " I looked around in a unfamiliar place " where am I?".
I stood up groaning in even more pain" ugh...I really must've rolled down really bad to be in this much pain" whispering to myself rubbing my lower back. I started limping down to the river near by and used the cold river water to splash my face with. Even though I was in a lot pain I felt relief being able to escape from those crazy vampires or whatever they are.

I sighed to myself sitting down on a near by log, I have no idea where I am and I have no idea how to get back home. I began to rub my forehead with my hand in complete frustration." I can't stay here for long I need to keep moving or else they'll eventually find me..after all I am covered in some cuts from the fall...they'll probably be able to find me with the sent of my blood" I got up from the wooden log and decided to keep moving.

It had been two hours later and I was still wandering the woods. I checked the time on my watch and it was currently 7:00pm. I didn't want to sleep outside in the forest again after what happened the other night so I kept searching to see if there were any cabins near by.
Luckily for me I ended up stumbling  upon a small wooden house near by I could see lights in the window so I knew someone must be in their. I immediately run toward the lite house and knock on the door desperately hoping someone will open it.
And to my surprise an old man with a shot gun opened the door. " who are you boy speak?!" He yelled intimidatingly. " i-I'm Jimin sir!"

" state your purpose why are you here?"
I looked down to scared to look in him in the eye and said" I saw your house a-and I was desperate because y-you see I got lost and these crazy people kidnapped me a-"
" alright alright I heard enough you can stay in for the night " the old man put the shot gun down " I see your covered in cuts why don't you go clean yourself up and then talk after taking care of it " I nodded and thanked him he opened the door all the way to let me in and handed me a first aid kit and told me to go in the bathroom and so I did.

After wrapping my wounds I came back out to the living to see the old man sitting on a chair he had his shot gun leaning against the chair and a book in his right hand." Take a seat over there " he said pointing at the brown sofa I nodded and took a seat.

" so who exactly are these people who supposedly kidnapped you? "

That's all for this chap sorry I took for eves to update!

A night in the woods |~Yoonmin~|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz