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( Jimin P.O.V. )

It already had pass an hour and I was still quietly sitting on this tied chair, I thought " how long am I going to be staying here how long will it take for him to come back.. maybe I should try to escape during the night I mean he told me that he was weak during the night " I snickered to myself and told myself " wasn't that a dumb mistake of him telling me that ".
" Telling you what? " imediately I yelped from how spooked I got and shut my eyes."n-nothing " I replied nervously, when I opened my eyes their was a light brown hair boy standing in front of me " ok " he replied he had a deep voice and looked like he was around my age though he's probably a lot older then he looks since he to is a vampire with his pale skin and red eyes he too was wearing pretty simple clothes just like Yoongi.

" w-what do you want with me.." I asked the light browned hair boy. " oh suga hyung wanted me to check on you "
" suga hyung? " I replied curiously to the boy
" oh I guess Yoongi didn't tell you his code name it's suga "
" oh..I see I didn't know you had code names..th-that Yoongi leader of your is a jerk he's rude to me even though we barely know each other plus he took me to this place for no reason it's not like I was going to tell anyone no one would even believe my silver head reject.

" I can see why your upset but why are you complaining to me? I'm just following orders "
My faced immediately turned red from embarrassment " s-sorry I shouldn't be complaining to someone I just met "
The light browned hair boy laughed while continuing to say " it's fine my name Kim taehyung but you can call me V too it's my code name~ " he said amusingly.
" i know I'm not supposed to be asking you questions but what's your name ? "
" P-park Jimin...but you can just call me jimin for short " I said lowly
" oh ok jimin~ I haft to leave now but it was nice to atleast know your name before you die " he said as he was about to walk out of the tent
" W-whoa! Wait a second DIE!?!?! " I yelled at him at the top of my lungs.

" oh you didn't know Suga hyung told me that he has no use for you so he's going to get rid of you by the end of the day "
As soon as he told me those words I could feel my heart start to throb like it was going to pop out my chest and tears that to start to form in my eyes " W-Why?! What have I done wrong He said I should be grateful the he didn't kill me on the spot! And now he's going to really kill me for no reason?! Theres no way in hell im letting that happen ! " I screamed and
Before I even noticed the boy named taehyung had already left.

" I'll just haft to escape before the end of the day it's still morning so I still have time " I said trying to reassure myself.
I quickly looked around to see if there was any sharp objects sticking out, luckily for me there was. There was a long nail sticking out of the wall right next to me . The chair wasn't nailed to the floor so I was able to do little jumps toward the nail and try to cut the rope hoping slightly up and down. It took a couple of time but I mange to cut the rope off with the nail, and once i was free from that nail I used my hands to untie the rope around my legs.

Finally at last I was free now it was time for me to escape some how. I walked out of the first part of tent I was captive in, I didn't know where to go so I winged it and try my best from using my memory of how I got in here in the first place. It seemed that no one was in the tent so I was able to freely wonder around but I needed to hurry before someone came in so I quickly ran to what seemed like a back entrance to this large tent.
so I rushed to it and got out. The tent I was in was all the way in the back on the other side of the wall so I tried to see if their was any back door through this wall there was an emergency exit it looked like.

I've never in my life felt so blessed that I've even managed to come this far things were going so smoothly for me as if the gods were on my side for once. I ran to the end of the tent and I waited until there was no one near by. A few vampires walked around so I got anxious because I really just wanted to run but I knew I couldn't. I'd be most likely killed on the spot if I was caught. I waited for just a few more minutes and then boom I felt it in my gut it was the perfect moment. I dashed to the back door and opened it closed it and still was running. I ran out so fast that none of the guards on top of the wall saw me there was trees and rocks everywhere. So I ended up tripping on one of rocks and started to roll down the hill until I smacked my head on a hard object and fainted.

Sorry for the slow update I hope you enjoyed this chapter~ I shall come out with a new chapter soon so look out for that :)

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