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( Yoongi P.O.V. )

" good then let's get going " I said as I threw jimin over my shoulder." Wait what?! Wha-what are you talking about?! " He yelled weakly, struggling to get off my shoulder. " are you deaf or do I need to repeat myself? " I turned my head slightly to side. He quickly shook his head no while saying " No " in a response. Then nervously asking me " I just w-wondering where your taking me or even w-why your taking me I have school you know..."

" Number one you know my secret number two I don't trust you and number three your brain is to dumb for school anyways so it's not like you need it in the first place "
" he-hey my brain is not to dumb for school I'll have you know that I'm currently Acing my algebra 2 class!" He shouted while kicking his legs.

" well aren't you a special snowflake " I said sarcastically while telling him " to answer your other dumb question I'm taking you to my base "
" your b-base ?..."
" yes what else and I will have you know that I'm the ruler of that base! it's my home obviously ."
I then ignored the rest of his babbling and squirming and started walking to the back door leading to the forest.

" would you wait for one second and le- "
Before he could even finish his sentence I used my ability to quickly run through the forest and back to my base, it was already the break of dawn so it was a good thing I made it back I wouldn't want any more people seeing me.

( Jimin P.O.V. )

Before I could even finish my sentence we ended up in front of a giant wall with spikes covering it every where. I was in shock because just a few seconds ago we were in my house and now in front of a wall?!
" yoo-Yoongi is this giant wall apart of your base?! "
" yes and would you quit screaming it's starting to hurt my ears " he responded with irritation .
Yoongi threw me off his shoulder and grabbed me by my wrist and began to drag me to the front entrance of the wall. there was a giant door there was a boy standing in front of it .

He had pale skin just like Yoongi, he also had dark chocolate brown hair, with a pair of red eyes and he had two lines of paint on both side of his face as if he was going to war or something. He was wearing a white shirt with what looked like a bullet proof vest black jeans and a pair of combat boots.
" welcome back sir I see you've also brought a human with you "

" Yea I do he's not food so don't touch him understand jungkook "
" sir yes sir "
" now open the gate "
" Rodger that "
After they finished talking with each other with this jungkook guy he opened the gate, and the first thing I thing I saw when went I went the inside the base was giant tents they were pretty massive.  almost like a house, there was also a bunch of vampires walking around some of them were staring at me it kind of creeped me out.

Yoongi began to drag me by the wrist inside the wall they seemed pretty secured their was vampires up on top of the wall. I looked at Yoongi and said " you run this place it seems pretty secured " he replied saying " No shit Sherlock I have this place running 24/7 even during the night, the guards you see up on top of the wall look out for mortals such a yourself and the asshole night walkers that lurk around during the night too " " oh I see them I'm guessing that boy you said was named.. what was it again oh right jungkook he's a guard too right ?"

" yes why do you ask ?" Yoongi said annoyingly
" well he just looked pretty young to me that's all " I replied curiously " you be surprised how old he is "
" oh "  I said surprised.
I continued to talk with Yoongi until we reached a tent it was huge and the tent had a red shade of color. all the other tents from what I seen looked black so I assumed that this giant red one was the main one.
Once I got inside I was in shock their was a bunch of weird artifacts and paintings and stuff there also a mini throne, this tent was like a mini castle.
" are you surprised ? this is my tent  "
He said confidently  " oh y-yea I am " I replied in shock.

Yoongi stretched his arms out while saying " alrighty then ". He walked closely next to me which made me nervous so I took a step back looking the other way, he then took me by the arm to one of the parts of his tents and pushed on a chair.
Everything was happening so fast that I didn't realize that I was already tied to the chair. I looked up at him with worry and fear in my eyes and asked " wh-what's the big idea! I thought we were cool?!!" " cool my ass like I said earlier I don't trust you so I'm keeping you here until I figure out what is should do with you " Yoongi then got bend down slightly directly face to face and said " I could of killed you on the spot but I didn't you should be thankful,  also if you try to escape I won't hesitate to kill you so sit still like a good boy and you won't get your self hurt compesce?"

I quickly nodded my head but knew I was lying to myself and him.  " Im definitely not planning to stay with this lunatic and these wacky ass vampires I told myself ". with that thought aside he walked out of the small room with in this tent leaving me completely to myself.

That's all for this chapter I hoped you enjoyed I was kinda slow with this update but what eves~

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