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Luke's pov
" Your hour starts now." I say when Ashton, Michael and I get into Ashton's old truck.

" No, it starts when I say it starts." Ashton basically growls out, and who am I to argue with a angry supernatural creature. I really thought that Ashton was serious until he starts giggling, like a little school girl talking to her crush.

" Hahaha you should've seen the look on your face! I'm just joking little one. Would you like to go somewhere and get some food before we go to Michael's to talk?" I decline, still slightly scared of the honey blonde boy. He seems harmless enough but so does Michael. And in his spare time he apparently saves boys by ripping old men's heads off. So I'm not going to take any chances.

" Your loss." Ashton says happily, continuing to drive. Michael's house isn't far away, only about twenty minutes, and when we get there I regret agreeing to talk to them here. It's a run down old house that looks like it might fall over if it tilts to the side anymore.

Michael sees my reaction to the house, and I try to quickly cover the fear and disgust up, but he sees it.

" It's ok Luke. I know it doesn't look the best on the outside, but I promise it's all for looks. I can't risk anyone finding out that I live here. It's better on the inside." Michael says while rubbing my back in slow circles. I almost lean into his touch, but I resist the urge. It's so strange, but I feel so safe when I'm with Michael.

" Why don't you want anyone finding out that you live here?" I ask, getting out of the truck and following the two older boys. It's probably a good thing that Michael doesn't have neighbours because I probably make Michael and Ashton look like predators feeding off of a younger boy.

" Because I've been dead for 300 years." Michael says simply. I nod, not wanting any more details just yet. Really I don't want to know at all, I'd rather stay out of this whole thing. The thought of talking about the old man, and Michael that night pops into my head, and I know that they're going to talk about it. I should just turn around and run, go home and never talk to Michael again. But I can't. It seems that fear has made my body freeze. I watch as michael and Ashton go ahead of me, and walk into the house only to come out a few seconds later when they realize I didn't follow.

" Luke? Are you ok?" Michael says as he runs over to me, holding my arms lightly. I whimper as tears begin to fill my blue eyes.

" I'm scared." I saw, looking up at the older boy. His face softens and he takes my hands in his, which are considerably bigger than mine.

" I'm not going to force you to come in Luke, but I can't leave you. Others know about you now, you're a target and it will be easier for you to understand what is happening." He says, abandoning my hands to bring his up to my face, and I lean in. I can't resist. He feels like home, so safe. We stand there for a few seconds, forheads against each other's and peace runs through my veins.

" Ok. I'm ready." I whisper, and take his hand in mine, walking to the house.

So sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've lost inspiration for this book, but I'm starting to become more motivated!

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