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I've always been crazy but it keeps me from going insane

Luke's pov
Cold. That describes how I feel when I wake up in a yellow room on a hospital bed. I hear a constant beeping, which I know is my heartbeat. When I fully open my eyes, I see my family, and Calum.

My parents look very concerned, but my brothers smile softly at me. And Calum.. Well.

" LUKE! Oh my god I told you my mom should of drove you home! Are you ok? Are you going to have a mental breakdown?" He yells and runs to my side. He pulls me into a bone crushing hug, my cheek smushed against his chest. He starts running his hand through my hair, all while rambling again.

" It's ok baby, mommy Calum's here now. I've got you, and no dirty old man is ever going to touch you again. Because if any one else ever tries again I'll kill them. I'll rip their head off. Ok?" Calum says and I feel myself freeze up when he says rip their head off.

That's when everything comes back to me. The old man, the fangs, Michael, Michael killing the man, and Michael meeting my parents. Speaking of, where is Michael?

" Where's Michael?" I ask, pushing Calum off of me, he only pouts and then climbs into the bed with me and he plays with my hair.

" Oh, he had to go, but he said to tell you that he hopes you're ok. He also wanted us to tell you that he saved you. I don't really know why that was so important, but he made sure we had to say that." My mom explains, while my brothers making kissing noises. Dad smacks them both aside the head before coming over to me.

" How ya feeling bud?" He asks while grabbing my hand. You see me and my dad have always had a weird relationship. He treats me like a baby, which often leads to me fighting with him, but I know he does it because he cares.

" I'm ok dad." I say and smile up at him. He look hesitant, almost like he doesn't believe me, and I wouldn't believe me either. But I really don't know how I feel right now. Numb I guess.

Dad's just about to make another comment when the door opens, and a man in a white coat walks in.

" Oh, good you're awake. Hello Luke, I'm Dr. Janson and I'll be your doctor until I feel you are ready to be released. Which if all the test I do today are good, that could be later today." The kind old man says. But I don't want him around me. He looks like the old man from last night.

I stay quiet, the only sound escaping me is a quiet whimper. He doesn't seem to notice, and walks over to me. But as soon as the beeping increases, he stops walking and looks at the screen. It's to late then. I'm in panic mode, and I don't want anyone around me. I push Calum out of the bed, and begin pulling wires out of my arms.

" No! Luke no! Don't pull those out." Dr. Janson yells, and grabs my arm. He doesn't grab hard, but it's enough to trigger me.

I scream as loud as I can, and don't stop even when he lets go. I only stop when I feel something prick my skin. I look down at my arm, the screaming stopping immediately. The woman that pushed the needle into my arm looks at me and smiles. And suddenly everything is blurry. And I'm very happy.

" Whaaa?" I ask, or try to ask what's happening, but it comes out in a slur. I feel a hand run through my hair, and I lean into it.

" Sh Luke. Just sleep." And I do.

Third person
After Luke is sleeping, Dr. Janson checks his vitals, and takes Liz and Andrew to his office.

" Listen, Luke has went through something every traumatic. I think you should consider therapy so he can get better. This isn't something he will be able to just shake off. I have connections with therapists, so I could get you in anytime available. I'm very concerned about Luke's mental stability." The parents listen carefully to the man, and nod in agreement.

" What about his physical health? He's ok right?" Andrew asks.

" He is fine physically, but Mr. Hemmings your son is not ok. He is hurting. And this will follow him around for the rest of his life. I highly suggest therapy." The doctor says. The parents nod, but Dr. Janson has seen this before. He needs to make sure that they make Luke go to therapy. But for now they will have to choose themselves.

" We'll see what Luke says about it. Thank you for everything doctor." Liz says. They stand and go back to Luke's room. Neither want to accept that this has happened to their little boy, but they know it has. And they just want him to be ok.

When the couple walks into the room, Luke is slowly waking up. He's mumbling random words like ' No, please, dead, help, Michael' but the one that stands out in their mind is when he says Michael. The boy was weird, but the parents loved him. He saved their boy, so how could they not like him? But he was so strange. Why hadn't they heard of him before? And where is he from?

Michael had left early in the morning, around 3. And when Andrew offered him a drive home, he quickly denied saying he had some other things to deal with. Who has stuff to do at 3 in the morning? But who are Liz and Andrew to judge. The boy may be strange, but in the end, he saved Luke. And now, Luke's saying his name while he sleeps.
They have a feeling that they will be seeing a lot more of Michael soon.

This is shitty, but I guess it will do for now. Might rewrite it but idk. Also could you all go do me a favour and comment on the last chapter of my other book 'He's Mine'  I really need a answer to the A/n at the end of chapter 11

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