Walking Home Alone&Getting Hurt

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Who's that shadow holding me hostage I've been here for days. Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away.

Luke's pov
" Calum, do you feel like we're being followed?"

" Shut up Luke. You've been asking me that all week and I give you the same response everytime. No." Calum says and we continue our walk home from school. It's not my fault that I keep getting that feeling that we're being followed. It's worse at home, I'll be home alone and suddenly I'll hear a bang from somewhere in the house, or I'll see a shadow around the corner. It's scary, and I think it's even worse because no one else feels or sees what I do.

My parents keep asking me if I want to go talk to a therapist, or if I'm feeling okay. And Calum, my best friend, he thinks my house is haunted and that the ghost is attached to me. Can you tell that he watches to much Supernatural?

" Luke! Man I've been calling your name for like five minutes, what's on your mind?" Calum says, now standing in front of me. I shrug and sigh a bit.

" Ugh I just feel like there's been someone following me around this past week. I'm a little freaked out by it, I mean what if it's some old man who wants to rape and kill me?" I ramble and Calum pulls me into a hug.

" Luke you're fine. Listen I don't feel like someone has been following you and I've been with you 90% of the time, so I kinda think you're going crazy, but if you think there's someone then I'll pretend to believe you ok?" Calum says acting brave by puffing his chest out. I giggle a bit, because only Calum could make me feel better in a situation like this. I nod and we continue our way home.

When we arrive to Calum's house I wave and tell him to have a good night.

" Luke are you sure that you want to walk home alone? I mean it's pretty dark now, and I'm sure my mom could bring you home." I almost agree, but something stops me from saying the three lettered word.

" No thanks Cal. I'll call you when I get home." I say and almost immediately I want to kick my own ass for saying no. But I continue my way home in the dark. See it's dark because me and Calum had to stay after school for a Student Council meeting, since I'm the Prime Minister and Calum is the Director of Events. So now here I am, walking home 9 at night. The feeling of someone watching and following me never going away.

I pull my phone out, and plug my ear buds in to distract myself. I also decide that running home is the best option, which I can do with ease because I'm on the Track and Field team. I begin with a light jog, since I didn't warm up or do stretches before starting, all while jamming out to One Direction. I'm about three blocks away from my house, when even through my ear buds I hear a loud bang. I jump and stop dead in my tracks. My head whips from left to right and I look behind me. I see nothing, but I take my ear buds out and call out.

" Hello? Is someone out here?" I know the possibility of this being a person is slim. I live in the middle of butt fuck no where, so it's probably an animal. But I keep walking toward the small alley where I think the loud noise came from.

I take a deep breath before I walk to the alley and look to see what made the noise. I can't help the sigh of relief that leaves me when all I see is a drunk man, laying with a trash can kicked over.

" Sir are you ok?" I ask while walking over to help him back up and home. The man looks up at me and I really want to run away. Key word, want. The man is old, I can tell this much. His hair is greying, and when he smiles at me I see that he only has a few teeth left. I also see that he is a big man, so the chances of me getting him up by myself are slim.

" I-I'm ok. Just took a little fumble, haha that happens when you're old. And drunk." He tilts his head, and I see a cut running along his temple, but no blood. I gasp and rush over to him.

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