"It feels like summer." Clair has her sunglasses on, her brown hair shining in the sunlight. Small areas of her hair almost reflect a honey tint, making it almost seem blonde at the ends.

"I love that the cold weather has gone into hibernation for now." Wreaths were hanging from the lampposts on campus, the festive colors almost contradicting this gorgeous weather. It feels like it should be June, and right about now I really was wishing it was.

"I'm still bitter we had to spend all of last summer in school just to end up being in the same grade level." Clair and I had spent all of our time doing school work last summer. Last summer I had worked hard to take all of my sophomore year finals and become a junior by August. Luckily I made it through and am now a junior with everyone else.

"This summer we'll relax and have fun." Clair hooks her arm with mine, her tanned skin the total opposite of my pale, snowy arm. "I need to start tanning." Clair laughs, her eyes going straight to my arm lying beside hers.

"We should go to the beach today after classes." I narrow my eyes at Clair. We really should start studying for finals since they were only a few weeks away. But then again staying inside all day on a day like this would be a sin.

"What about homework and studying?" Clair rolls her eyes, obviously not wanting to hear about homework and assignments right now.

"We'll have plenty of time." I let out a deep breath, there's no way I will convince Clair not to have a beach day. Secretly I wanted to go too, but I also wanted to seem like the ideal student that doesn't take a break until after midterms.

"Fine." Clair smiles giddily, probably excited to add another tan on top of her already glowing olive skin. We continue walking to class, talking about how we don't own any towels or umbrellas. We never bought any last summer since we didn't go to the beach or go tanning.

The classroom is half full when we walk through the doors. Professor Hardy widens his eyes in shock when he sees me wander so casually through the door after not having been here for over two weeks.

"I'm going to go give some makeup assignments to Mr. Hardy." I tell Clair as I start to walk towards his desk. He smiles at me, his face conveying an emotion that I can't really pick up on.

"I have essays for you that I still need to type, but I did all of these assignments as well." I hand Professor Hardy a stack of papers, my essays piled high. He takes the pile, and throws it on his desk, the papers instantly becoming a mess on his desk.

"Is something wrong with my papers?" My curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask Mr. Hardy why he seemed so angry.

"Don't bother bringing in the rest of your missed work. I will not grade it Ms. Montgomery." His cold words slice right through me. I'm confused as to why Mr. Hardy is so angry with me and will not just allow me to make up the work.

"Ms. Montgomery this isn't elementary school. You may not just miss weeks on end because of a boy and expect to come back to your classes without a statement from the headmaster." Mr. Hardy's arm is gesturing to the door, a subtle gesture that cuts right through me.

I look back at Clair who has a puzzled expression on her face. I start exiting the classroom, almost sprinting away from that embarrassing situation. The lobby is cool, the glass walls making the room not as claustrophobic.

My feet freeze in their spot when I see him running through the doors. His hair is a mess and his eyes are sunken in. I don't even meet his piercing green eyes when he looks up. Instead I walk right past him and out the heavy glass doors.

I let out a loud groan, annoyed that I couldn't even start classes again today. Now I needed to go to Mr. Lance's office and ask him for a statement. I start walking to the building, the campus practically empty except for a few kids who have later classes.

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