Chapter Nine- I'm sorry

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Leo rushed into the lair, his now conscious brothers in tow. Olivia was in his arms, completely limp and breathing so softly, you would think that she was dead. "Sensei!" Mikey called. "Sensei come quick!" Splinter didn't hesitate to head his son's calls.

When he arrived, he saw Olivia limp and beaten to nearly a pulp. His eyes widened and he rushed over to Leo, taking Olivia in his arms. "My son what happened?" He demanded. Leo stumbled to the dojo with Splinter, barely keeping up. "The Shredder, Sensei. He... He attacked us on a rooftop. We weren't ready. Olivia... She... She..." Leo's eyes glistened with fresh tears.

Splinter sighed, placing Olivia on a spare meditation mat. "Donatello. Get me the first aid kit." He demanded. Donnie nodded, wincing at the pain that followed the action. Nonetheless, he rushed to his lab. Splinter overlooked her wounds, shaking his head ever so often.

Soon Donnie came back with a life support machine and the first aid kit, just as requested. With Splinter's help, Olivia was soon stitched up and hooked into the life support machine. Splinter muttered a few Japanese words to the healing method he'd taught Leo and placed his hands on Olivia's chest. She began to glow. Leo just watched the process. Splinter removed his hands.

"She will live, but will be in a coma for a few days. Possibly weeks." Leo looked up at his father. "Thank you Sensei." Splinter nodded. "I'll leave the two of you alone." With that, he left the dojo, a blanket of silence enveloping the room. Leo gave a sad smile, brushing a stray strand of her hair out of her face. "Hey Liv, it's me." He began. "You're gonna be okay. I'll make sure of that. But you're going to have to do your part too." Olivia said nothing. Leo sighed. "I'm sorry, Olivia. This is all my fault. If I hadn't been so weak and cowardly then you and I would probably be laughing and smiling together."

A single crystal tear fell from his eye. "You know,  I think your smile is your best quality. It... It brightens your eyes." He gave a sad chuckle but it soon turned into choking sobs. "I wish I could see it right now." He sniffed. "Do me a favor. Just... Fight hard. Because the first thing I wanna see when you wake up, is your smile."

He paused for a minute, waiting for a reaction. Any reaction. But he got none. He sighed. "I'm sorry." He said simply.

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