pregnant yes? or no?

164 6 1

Is super long. I know u guys like it long lol

Ariana P.O.V.

me and allison looked at the pregnancy test and it said "+" I'm pregnant.... how am i going to tell Jake? he doesn't even talk about having kids. it just happened. but I'm still going to the hospital to see if I'm pregnant positive. I got out of the bathroom. told allison to wait for me downstairs. I'm going to tell jake about this. I finish getting ready. I got my phone. my purse. turn the lights off. we got in the car and allison drove to where Jake works.

"are you sure he will want the baby?"

Allison ask beside me.

"I really don't know. I hope everything goes alright."

allison nodded.

I started playing with my fingers. I'm so nervous. what happens if he leaves me?

Omg no don't think about that. he will still love you.

Allison and me walked inside and we didn't see Samantha. we turn to look at each other confused.

I open the door of Jake's office and I saw Jake and Samantha doing 'it' he's cheating on me?!

"jakee" Samantha moaned.

allison looked with winded eyes.

I faked a cough and they stopped what they where doing and turn to look at me and allison.

"i can't believe you Jake!" I yelled. he quickly start putting his pants on. Samantha got dress and left quickly. I'll deal with that bitch later.

"I didn't mean to cheat on you. really it was all Samanthas fault. she tried to get me to sleep with her." he yelled back. now he had his clothes back on again.

"well she made her wish come true cause she actually sleep with you. you disgust me right now." I gave him a dirty look.

"what can I do for you to forgive me?" he said. I think he's going to cry or something.

"nothing. cause I will never forgive you for this" I said. I felt a tear fall from my eye.

" I need you." he Said trying to take my hand but I jerk it off.

"you know what I found out today?" I said crying more.

"w-h-a-t" he sturred.

I got the pregnancy test from my purse and through it at him.

"catch" I said angry.

when he saw the + sign. his eyes winded. I wanted to sobbed at this moment but I stayed strong. he tried to hug me but I push him hard.

"don't talk to me! don't come to where I am! don't follow me! don't call me! don't text me! don't come home! don't do anything! just leave me alone!

I yelled in front of his face.

"I'm going to the hospital to see if I'm positive pregnant. I'll call you to tell you"

I said. after he can say anything I walked out the door.

I went to were Samantha was she had a smirk on her face that made me more pissed. I slapped her across the face. she hold her cheek looking shocked.

"don't mess with me." I said to her.

allison saw that and gave a high five. we started walking to the car.

"can I stay at your house for a month only?"

I ask allison while getting in the car.

"no sorry. my parents are coming"

she frown.

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