"That's awesome!" I was really happy about that because there is nothing worst than to seat by yourself at a baseball game.

"Yeah, do you know where are we seating?" She asked. 

"No idea!" I lied. If I say that I knew the seats were by the right-field line I was almost sure that the whole "'Aaron jacobs" conversation was going to come up and I wasn't ready to talk about him just yet. My fangirl needed to stay locked away for now. 

"We are sitting in the right-field line" the look in her eyes made me laugh. she looked like a happy little girl. 

"Oh, that's good" I tried to act as casual as possible.

"I can't wait to watch Aaron" I couldn't help but give her a look when she said that.

"What? you don't like him?" She asked quickly after she noticed that my face wasn't as enthusiastic as hers.

"I do. He is a good player," I said quickly.

"He is an amazing guy too" She added with a smile. I took a look at her. She looked like she was a couple of years older than Aaron but maybe he liked older girls. I did an extensive search of him and there was nothing indicating that he was in s relationship, but maybe that was because of a good PR person handling the situation. 

"Do you know him well?" I  did my best to no sound too interested.

"Yes, he and I had this sort of connection, when he got to the majors last year and we have been close since then" a sort of connection? I tried not to think much into it but what if she was into Aaron? I mean she got tickets to seat right behind him and everything.

"Oh, I see" I tried to sound casual but couldn't help it. There was a knowing smile on her face.

"Is not what you think" she laughed.

"What?" I faked confusion.

"Aaron is like a little brother, I'm not dating him or anything"

"I didn't-" I started but she interrupted me.

"Yes, you did" She gave me a knowing smile. 

"I mean, it's not like it's my business," I shrugged. 

"Well, he is single." She added a wink to her comment and I was ready to end this conversation.

We remind since the rest of the way. I hadn't been in a ballpark in a little while but the process was the same. We checked in with the officer by the family entrance. Stephanie flashed her badged and after a few common procedures, we were walking through the hallways of the stadium. We passed by a sign that said "Visiting Team Clubhouse"  it stroke me as odd because it was about to be 7 and the game was supposed to start at 7:10.

"Isn't the game about to start?" I asked Stephanie.

"The start got delayed to 8:30"  She was walking kinda fast and I was just trying to keep up with her. "The roof was open and they didn't expect the rain, it poured down for a good fifteen minutes and now they have to re-condition the field"

"So what's the plan?"  I said still trying to keep up with her. I was really starting to wonder who she made a deal with to be able to walk so fast in those high heels but then she started to look around, almost as if she was searching for someone through the hallways. She slowed down her pace and I was finally able to catch up with her.  

She turned to face me, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth."We get to hang with some cool people for  about 30 minutes"

"And by cool people you mean?" I realized that she wasn't looking at me she was looking over me. 

"Aaron!"  I was interrupted by Stephanie's voice. I turned around to look at her but I found Aaron standing in front of me instead. He greeted Stephanie and then turned his attention to me. I felt so small in his presence and our height differences had nothing to do with it. 

"Hey!" Aaron's deep voice made me felt unsteady. 

"Hey!"  my greeting came more like a whisper. The warm smile on his face made it even more difficult for me to relax. "So the game got... uh... Delayed" I was having trouble articulating my sentences and I wanted to kick myself. I could feel Stephanie's eyes all over me, analyzing this moment. I knew that she would as me about it later.


"So, what now?" I tried to sound casual, but the way he was talking with a smile that reached his eyes had me dazed and confused.

"It's not raining anymore. We are just waiting for the field to be in the right conditions"

"Hey!  Aaron, Tom is around the dugout why don't you take Isabelle to see him?" her voice surprised me. I had forgotten that she was even there.

"Sure!" he said almost immediately. 

"I mean if you are not busy or anything" I added quickly.

"No, I'm not. Besides, I was heading towards the dugout anyways"  I nodded in response.

"Text me after you are done, so we can head to our seats!" 

"Will do,"  I mouthed back.

"I'll see you guys later," She said before she started to walk towards the clubhouse.

"You ready?" Aaron asked me after Stephanie was gone.

"I'll follow you"  Aaron Smiled and offered me his hand. I took it and smile as I felt how my heart was trying to beat its way out of my chest.

The Outfielder - Aaron Judge Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now