[2] Blackfrost

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A refreshing jasmine scented breeze wafted across Lux's bedroom as she inspected her reflection. Becoming a Krimlite required a lifestyle change the Lux welcomed effortlessly. Black robes were a necessity whilst attending summoning's by the council or when in the presence of the Master vampire. Black leather was the more relaxed attire. Her silver hair flowed down to her lower back, she squinted at the mirror, still trying to come to terms with what she was about to do. Her violet eyes sparkled in reply. Nobody knew why her eyes were that colour, she was the first of her kind. High cheek bones and a sharp nose were gifted to her by her mom, whereas she inherited her height from her dad, who was 6 foot 1 and Lux was a little under that. Lux patted down her robes and took in a deep breath, then exhaled, "Here goes everything", she said out loud.

Once Lux was done packing the last of her belongings and returning her apartment keys, she had to say her goodbyes to Harris and Phaedra.
As Lux walked up to the both of them, it looked like Phaedra was busy chatting off Harris's ears , probably about how she was planning on speaking to the council about recalling Lux from Blackfrost. Lux had almost doubled over in a fit of laughter when Phaedra pitched it to her - the council would never listen to Phaedra, although she was the Oracle, she still had to follow their rulings.

"There she is! What took you so long? The Mimosa's have lost their chill!" cried Phaedra whilst slinging her arm around Lux. Lux reluctantly took the Mimosa from Phaedra and side hugged Harris, who wore a grim look.

"I just managed to fit everything into the SUV, you know I couldn't leave behind Harris's amazing vampire literature", said Lux looking up at Harris who still hadn't said anything.

Phaedra could sense the tension and need of some privacy "Listen you guys, I have to make an urgent call, just give me a few moments and I'll be right back", said Phaedra and gave Lux the thumbs up as she left.

"Well I guess this is not what you exactly had planned for me when you decided to adopt me", said Lux whilst looking down at her now warm Mimosa.

"I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy Lux", said Harris as he moved to the balcony. Lux followed him out and was greeted by a soulless full moon.

"I know", sighed Lux, "But you know it is my duty and my parents would be very proud", and as soon as she uttered the words, did she see the hurt register on Harris's aging face.
" I didn't mean for it to sound that way, you know what I meant. I'm very grateful for what you have given me and I could never repay your kindness", said Lux and walked up to him to give him a hug.

"I know my child, I know", said Harris. "But if Lucien endangers you or tries to harm you once in Blackforest, please swear to me that you will report such incidents to the council". He removed something from his pocket and placed it into Lux's small hands.

"What is this?", asked Lux. She fingered the small round golden contraption in her hand. Something clicked open and cased inside was a chain incrusted with the most breathtaking violet stones, she had never seen stones like this before.
"Oh Harris, it's beautiful, you really didn't have to", said Lux.
Harris picked it up and started to open the clasp.

"This was your mum's and she asked for me to hand it to you when the time was right". Harris put it on for Lux and it shone ever so brightly in the moonlight.

"My mum's?", Lux stumbled, lost for words. She touched the stone in the centre and she could have sworn she felt something warm move under her fingertips.

Phaedra appeared at the doorway with a glum look on her face. Clutching her phone to her chest, something must be wrong, thought Lux. Both Harris and Lux rushed towards Phaedra only to then notice the looming figure behind her. He was a substantially built vampire and looked on a mission.

"Lux, there is someone here for you", stuttered Phaedra. Phaedra looked rather inferior when compared to the bloke standing behind her. Her tiny frame shook a little, she nervously tucked a strand of her blond hair behind her ear, only to remove it and repeat the tuck. Phaedra had a cheerleader's body and refused to wear robes or leather. She preferred jeans, t-shirt and most importantly heels. She sometimes looked like a fae, although no one would say that to her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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