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               Her name is Lux and this is her story...

Lux had always been a persistent dreamer, staring off into space, wondering what her life could have been like if her parents weren't taken from her a decade ago.

She so frequently gets swallowed up by tremulous emotions and vivid flashbacks of her past. Had it not been for Harris, who adopted her at the age of 13, things could have been a lot worse.

Today was her chance to become a part of something that was an extension of her parents. Becoming a Krimlite was just the start; her ultimate goal had yet to be revealed by the oracle, also known as her best friend, Phaedra.

Phaedra was a year older than Lux and lived a few blocks from Lux's apartment. She was the only female oracle to be discovered for the past four centuries and according to the blood council, in order to obtain the oracle's purest power, Phaedra needed to mate with a fellow oracle and the chances of that happening were quite slim as Phaedra despised Luke more than she did rogue supernaturals and oh boy did she despise those...

The Krimlite trials had started a few months back, Lux had been lucky enough to get shortlisted and thereafter she really had to prove herself, not only to the blood council but to the legacy of her parents. Lux did not have any special abilities, or powers as such, however the honour of becoming a Vampire's Krimlite was of the most high.

A Krimlite is an advisor to a Master vampire and is tasked with keeping the bloodlines pure; this can be done by sanctioning unions between the various covens. When a Krimlite deems a union impure or to be to the detriment of the coven, the blood council can forbid such a union from taking place. Human and Vampire unions were forbidden and death was the penalty, for the human and the vampire.

Humans did not know of Vampires and believed such to be a myth. The council intended to keep the two worlds apart at all costs.
Lux did not have a personal preference for possible coven assignment, however she had heard rumours about the Blackfrost coven's master Vampire. He was said to be the most unpleasant of all five covens.  Apparently he had refused the councils request to assign him a Krimlite centuries ago, in his opinion, Krimlite's where a hindrance and need not be integrated into covens. None seem to know when he last was assigned one and it was quite fascinating that the council had afforded him such a precarious choice. However Lux would graciously accept the blood council's decision, whatever it may be.

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