dreams are fun

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so i had a wild dream last night

in the beginning we were in germany for some reason and we found this turkey thing that had rainbow feathers so obviously we were like "that's cool" and we took the feathers out and then tried and failed to put them back in???

anyway we met this german girl that spoke perfect english without an accent or anything and we asked her what we should do with the turkey and she told us to give it a spot in our treehouse

we were like "gr8" and asked her where her treehouse was and she said that we had to put it in our treehouse

so my family doesn't have a treehouse and also we lived across the ocean so obviously we told her that she was like whatever put it in the community treehouse and we went to find it and it was this huge treehouse with a whole bunch of other things in it and we found a secluded corner and cleared a spot for our turkey to sit

and then we were in this hotel thing that reminded me of a cruise ship where apparently superfruit was performing and avi was their opening act

we were listening to avi sing one of his songs and people started booing so i felt bad for him and applauded and some other people followed

after avi finished he disappeared and my dog took his place?? i was talking to her like she was avi except in puppy voice like "yes you did a good job yes you did" and crap

so then scott was there and he was sitting with avi and i was surrounding the place where they were with my family and listening to them talk except halfway through i fainted kind of?? and i jumped up and landed in the little section that scott was in

obviously he was like "are you okay" so that's the story of how i met scott

superfruit was performing then so i dragged my brothers and mom to where they were being like "we gotta get up front to be up close i'm not leaving without meeting mitch if i met scott"

so the show started and scott was in a wheelchair and he started messing up his lines but i think it was on purpose??

then he went back into this thing and that's where mitch was and they started making out again because i dream about that a lot apparently

somehow we teleported to this other place where there weren't people except they were still doing their show and i was just following mitch around and hugging him while he did his stuff because i'm annoying

so the moral of the story is don't let avi turn into your dog

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