Little One.... (Updated)

Start from the beginning

Her eyes practically popped out of her sockets.

"Wow. For real? You actually met someone?" she asked scooching closer to me.

"For real? Some faith you have in me Shelly. You're making it seem like I would hopelessly be alone forever."

She looks away and says "Well... about that...." scratching her head.


" Alright... that's fine... that's fine..." I said making my mega super sad face.

"Alright then, what happened?" she asked now on the bed lying down and looking at me.

" At first I didn't meet him, but I met someone else."

"Ohhhh~" she said raising her eyebrows.

Wait for it....

"We were the best of friends!"


"What did he look like? Was he chocolate dripping gorgeous?!" she exaggerated.

"Well he looks like a surfer guy.... he has shoulder length blond hair and emerald green eyes and he's tall, well taller than you, but only a little."

I thought for a moment.

" Yes, I suppose he is chocolate dripping gorgeous."

She squealed. "He sounds hot! What happened up next?"

" I was strolling through the village, sat on a coconut tree on the beach and fell asleep. When I woke up I-I-"

"You what? You what?!" she asked leaning forward.

"I stargazed and I turned around to go back home I saw a man that was very tall, um.... handsome."

She smiled cheekily and waving her hand to say 'go on'.

"He has a deep voice, coco brown skin, milky brown eyes and short flowy hair. He's sweet and mysterious but I doubt that we'd meet again seeing how I didn't get a chance to say goodbye."

"EEEEEEE!!!!!" She screamed, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"What?! What's wrong Shelly?!" she cups my face with her hands and smiles.

" You're in luuuuvvve~"

WHATTTTT!!!! I am not!

"Yes you are!" she said giggling.

Sigh. I really need to work on that, but I only saw him twice. So there's no way!

Attracted, sure. In love, no way.

"No. No. No. I am not. There's no way. Anyway, I'm going back to Hawaii to volunteer as a worker and see if I'll find him there. "

"Shut up. How do you know if he'll be there?"

" When I went back to his cave a few weeks back he was gone and-"

"Wait! He lived in a cave! Do you think that he was an outlaw?"


" He defiantly wasn't. I figured out that he's a runaway Prince is all. But if he's running away, he must've done something wrong, right? "

Oh no..... What am I going to do?

" So, I guess this means no partying. "

Seriously? Is that all that she ever thinks about?

My Long Lost Prince : Completed&[Edited ✔]Where stories live. Discover now