CHAPTER 2 - When You Wake Up

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We all stood at Liam who was looking to the ground, fidgetting his feet. "H-he... escaped?!" I asked, shocked. Even the nurse, who didn't know me well, was in complete shock. "HOW DO YOU KNOW?" Harry half-asked, half-shouted. He was on the verge of tears and so was I.

He came and hugged me tightly. "Reese," he whispered to me. "It'll be okay," he tried reassuring me. Louis rubbed circles on my back. Zayn stared in awe and Niall sat at the foot of my bed, patting my legs which I didn't understand why. But that's Niall for ya. "Well, the police told Paul, who didn't want to tell you in case it'd scare you, but he told me because well, I'm daddy direction," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

I sniffled. Harry had his eyes shut tightly. Louis pet his curls. "Don't worry, Reesey! We're gonna protect you and kick that bastard's ass if he goes anywhere NEAR you!" Niall said happily. I laughed at him, but nodded.

"Is Reese allowed to leave the hospital now?" Liam asked the nurse. She looked down at her clipboard and flipped a couple pages. She looked up at us disappointed. "No, sorry," she informed us. "Damnit!" Louis said, playfully kicking his foot against the wall. "Don't worry about it, lovely. Everything will be okay. You're an amazing person, we love you," Zayn told me. He was so sweet. I smiled at him. "Thank you, Zayn." He smiled cheekily and nodded.

"Guys, we should probably get going. It's dinner time," Liam spoke up, looking at his watch.

"I think my baby sister is more important than FOOD!" Harry retorted. "I beg to differ!" Niall protested, crossing his arms. I laughed at the irish boy. He loves his food. "I'm kidding! I love you, Reesey-boo!" Niall joked, giving me a Horan Hug. "I love you too. I love ALL of you!" I said happily.

"You're going to have security watch after her, right??" Harry asked anxiously to the nurse. "Of course!" the nurse cheered. "Aight, let's get goin' fellas! Before Daddy Direction blows his top!" Louis said, sarcastically. "Haha, very funny," Liam said, pecking me on the forehead before joining the rest of the boys who were getting there jackets.

"I want to stay," Harry suddenly said. I raised one eyebrow. "what?" I asked. he grinned cheekily. "I ... want... to... stay..." he said again slowly. "I heard what you said! But, why?" I asked. The rest of the boys stared at Harry.

"Hospitals are pretty creepy, dude!" Louis joked. "I don't care. I wanna stay and protect my baby sister. She deserves company!" Harry protested, crossing his arms. "You can stay in that extra bed," the nurse suggested. "Though we're really not supposed to do that," she admitted.

I get it. He's famous and she wants to give him special treatment. Whatever, we've gotten used to it. "Thank you, Melina!" Harry smiled, reading the name from her name tag. "You're welcome, Mr. Styles!" she replied, and left the room.

"Ah, have fun!" Zayn said, patting Harry on the shoulder and then giving me a quick hug. "And good luck to you, you have to spend the night with him!" Zayn whispered to me. I giggled. "I HEARD THAT!" Harry exclaimed.

The rest of the boys hugged us and left with simple goodbyes. When they cleared the room, Harry climbed on my bed and sat on my legs. "Hey, baby sister," he said. I chuckled. "Hi, older brother." He stared at me for a few seconds and I was really curious to know why. "So, you hungry?" he asked me. I shrugged. "Kinda," I said.

"C'mon. You've been in here unconcious for like, a whole day after living with some freak who hardly fed you anything. You've gotta be hungry," he said, stroking my legs. I smiled half-heartedly. "I guess," I said. He grinned. "I'll go buy us something from the hospital food court!" he said, and hopped up and out of the room.

I layed there in silence for about half an hour until my wonderful brother waltzed back in here. "Hey, again!" he exclaimed. I just smiled. He pulled my arm so I sat up in bed. He was holding a large doggie bag.

"Everything in the food court looked disgusting, so I went across the street and bought us some Nandos!" Harry excitedly said. I chuckled. It reminded me of Niall.

We ate until we were full and had some leftovers for Niall for tomorrow. "Hangon," Harry said. He went over to the other single bed he was sleeping in and wheeled it over beside my bed. "Harry, I don't think you can-" I said, but he cut me off. "I was too far away!" he said. I smiled at my sweet brother.

He layed in his bed, but by how close our beds were, it felt like we were sharing a queen sized bed. "I've really missed you," I said, a tear pricking up in my eye. "I've missed you too, Reese," he smiled. We talked for an hour about random shit, and he told me about an interview they did while I was.. gone. Then, I passed out, and so did he.

"RISE AND SHIIIINE!" Louis' voice rang out. "Ugh, five more minutes?" Harry groaned. I just moaned. "No, get up!" Liam ordered.

Harry and I just ignored them. "YO, GET UP!" Zayn said, in a weird voice. We all got into fits of laughter.

"C'mon, lads! We've really missed you, Reese!" Niall said. His irish accent was really adorable. I missed it.

"Look at their position!" Louis said after a bit of silence. "I know right?" Liam asked, quirking his head. Niall laughed and pulled out his iPhone and snapped a picture. He walked over and showed Harr first, then came to my side and showed me.

In it, me and Harry had interlocking arms and our legs were tangled together. My face was buried into his shoulder and his chin was just above my head. The blanket was pushed to the bottom of the bed and only covered our feet. I smirked at the picture. How on Earth did we end up like this? We both fell asleep facing away from each other!

"This goes on Twitter!" Niall piped up. Finally, after minutes of the boys shouting at us to get up and pillows being thrown at us, Harry and I decided it was time to get up. We both went into a washroom and freshened up and returned to the boys.

"Niall, we have leftover Nandos' for you!" Harry sang out, holding up the doggie bag. Niall lit up. "I love you!" he shouted, snatching the bag. He immidiately started pigging out on our leftovers. "We brought you two breakfast," Zayn said. "Thank you," I mused.

I was still really tired. Probably from the agonizing two weeks of getting attacked and chased by a freak of a man. Whenever he tried to rape me, I'd bitch-slap him, and crush his foot by stomping on it. He was a wimp. But I'd rather not think about the pain.

Harry and I ate the bananas and bagels the boys had bought us. We all chit-chatted about random things and about the crazy night the boys had while Harry and I were in the hospital.

"So Niall thought it would be funny to hide all of Zayn's hair stuff," Liam said, smirking. "Zayn had a freak attack!" Louis laughed. "Best part was when Niall pretended he forgot where he hid it!" Liam added, and we all toppled over in laughter. We all stopped laughing and there was an awkward silence. "Man, I've missed you guys!"

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